[D3D8] .dss texture quality - skybox

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0 comments, last by L. Spiro 10 years, 2 months ago


I have big problems with the rendering of a .dss texture to a cube.

I dont know if it is the directx version (d3d8) or the output settings and mipmaps of the .dss file, but i get the texture rendered in a not so good quality.

Have anyone made experience with this? Is it because I use d3d8? Did I forget something for rendering the .dss file in a better quality? Is it because of the wrong output settings of the .dss file?

I Use a map(dict) where i put the sky texturename with the number of the tile.

Then I get the texture reference of the map by GetTextureReference().GetD3DTexture() and then i render over SetTexture(0, GetD3DTexture())

Is this there any problem?

I render it over DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2) and the world matrix of the cube is 3500x3500x3500 (float).

Althought I think, that the matrix scalling doesnt matter.

Whether the picture is in 1920x1024 or a little smaller, it doesnt get rendered better.

I dont know how i can render the skybox textures in a better quality to the cube. Do I need to update to d3d9?

Thanks for Help.


Why don’t you show a screenshot of the problem?

L. Spiro

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