Your one stop shop for the cause of all coding horrors

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36 comments, last by Juliean 10 years, 1 month ago

I have tricremented your reputation, thanks for sharing. This has caused me to do some ninjawork.

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty
This is somewhat related. A collection of humorous comments.
I enjoyed this - thanks for sharing.

// somedev1 -  6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen
// somedev2 -  5/22/07 Temporary my ass
The history of software development in a nutshell.

I enjoyed this - thanks for sharing.


// somedev1 -  6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen
// somedev2 -  5/22/07 Temporary my ass
The history of software development in a nutshell.

When I was just programming for fun, i saw that thread and laughed. Oh how i laughed. Now that i'm getting paid to maintain someone else's code... :(

"Spending your life waiting for the messiah to come save the world is like waiting around for the straight piece to come in Tetris...even if it comes, by that time you've accumulated a mountain of shit so high that you're fucked no matter what you do. "

Not forget you must, that in different form, use this construct you do. Yes, yes.

This not like you do:

if(5 == function())
//if five it is, this function

but this accept you do:


// if not true it is, this function

(Though I can't help myself stopping completely puzzled for an instant every time I see Yoda code, too)

Then again...

if(!(5== func()) && !other_func())

// If not five is func, and only execute not other func

Maybe, but as the article says, it like saying "if blue is the sky" or "if tall is the man", it's just harder to read this way imo. Forgetting a '=' is not an excuse for writing harder to read code imo, since that doesn't happen very often.

It happens an awful lot more than you might expect. Defensive coding is important, and it often comes at a perceived cost to readability.

I'd honestly be rather alarmed to meet a senior engineer who didn't write their conditions that way, when coding in C++.

And, as with a lot of coding practices, it probably varies depending on the kind of company you keep. I predominantly come across this particular convention from engineers who like to follow simple rules but cannot think about the implications of their design decisions or create a decent interface to save their lives. Do I think this is true of all engineers who follow this rule, no. But I do find it hard to shake the weight of evidence I have come across :)


Nice article, i personally hate with passion the "Yoda Conditions".

ex: if(5 == count)

I understand why they are done though. If someone mistypes or is just used to a language with only a single '=', and does

if(count = 5)

They will only get a warning (and they didn't always get a warning back in the olden days). While

if(5 = count)

Will error.

And honestly, there should never be a plain number in an if statement anyway, it should be a constant or #define somewhere, like so:

if(kMaxSize == count)

which tends to make it look less nonsensical and yoda like.

Nice article, i personally hate with passion the "Yoda Conditions".

ex: if(5 == count)

I understand why they are done though. If someone mistypes or is just used to a language with only a single '=', and does

if(count = 5)

They will only get a warning (and they didn't always get a warning back in the olden days). While

if(5 = count)

Will error.

And honestly, there should never be a plain number in an if statement anyway, it should be a constant or #define somewhere, like so:

if(kMaxSize == count)

which tends to make it look less nonsensical and yoda like.

Honestly, after so long this stops being a problem, maybe the occasional mistype occurs, but really this is something that's only prevalent in new/inexperienced programmers.

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I understand why they are done though. If someone mistypes or is just used to a language with only a single '=', and does

if(count = 5)

They will only get a warning (and they didn't always get a warning back in the olden days). While

if(5 = count)

Will error.

I agree with slicer4ever, thats kind of like saying one should always return a pointer instead of a reference because someone might forget to type the "&" at the receiving variable declaration and create an accidential copy. To sparse of an event to adjust your coding routine to that kind of stuff.

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