Can't delete static singleton pointer (a deinitialization fiasco)

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17 comments, last by Pink Horror 10 years, 1 month ago
Where's the code that uses the smart pointers? My guess is that you're doing something bad with them, maybe in CloseIO.

No I cant see anywhere that I'm freeing anything or doing anything bad. The rest of the code is all operator<< stuff. Working on piping stuff to the streams. Here is CloseIO():


	inline void CloseIO(void) override
		if (m_ofs.is_open())

		if (m_ifs.is_open())


Not calling it at the end of main() still produces the error. I am currently scanning to see if it enlightens me towards improving my debugging skills. That book that the previous link explicitly alluded to, at the end, sounds worth getting. I was thinking that maybe boost::archive::textoarchive needed the std::ofstream somehow during its destruction but that theory is out as I stopped the closing of the streams before destruction. I think the boost docs say that it automatically closes the associated stream on exit. But don't qoute me on that.

Good morning...

Ok I've solved it fully and finally...!!!

I was sleeping and in my dream I dreamed that the shared pointer depended on the fstream(s). The static ofstream and ifstream were created after the shared pointers! I simply moved them to the top, et voila, no more access violation.

Thank you Jesus!

Good morning...

Ok I've solved it fully and finally...!!!

I was sleeping and in my dream I dreamed that the shared pointer depended on the fstream(s). The static ofstream and ifstream were created after the shared pointers! I simply moved them to the top, et voila, no more access violation.

Thank you Jesus!

If you can use C++11 in your project, Meyers's singleton is simple, elegant, and thread-safe.

If you can use C++11 in your project, Meyers's singleton is simple, elegant, and thread-safe.

Be careful with the thread-safety part.

Visual Studio 2012+ implements C++11 (well, partially, like many compilers) and thread-safe static initialization is NOT implemented: .

“We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time; premature optimization is the root of all evil” - Donald E. Knuth, Structured Programming with go to Statements

"First you learn the value of abstraction, then you learn the cost of abstraction, then you're ready to engineer" - Ken Beck, Twitter

thread-safe static initialization is NOT implemented

So are 'boost::smart_pointers' the key? This guy says they are thread safe. (Qoute from boost docs contained)

If you can use C++11 in your project, Meyers's singleton is simple, elegant, and thread-safe.

Be careful with the thread-safety part.

Visual Studio 2012+ implements C++11 (well, partially, like many compilers) and thread-safe static initialization is NOT implemented: .

Great point, I didn't know that VS has yet to implement this. Also, you get an upvote for knowing and applying the "Know thy standard" rule.

Sometimes you might want to create a smaller log, an object specific to your component rather than being globally accessible, and attach a log listener to it.

Would creating a "log manager" for managing multiple log object instantiations convince you to make the log manager a singleton?

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

I was sleeping and in my dream I dreamed that the shared pointer depended on the fstream(s). The static ofstream and ifstream were created after the shared pointers! I simply moved them to the top, et voila, no more access violation.

Oh, of course! Your reset calls worked because they released the pointers before the implicit destructor calls.

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