Looking for Feedback for my new game Lunar Catch

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-1 comments, last by Bl4ckSh33p 9 years, 10 months ago
Title: Lunar Catch
System Requirements: Windows/MAC/Linux
Feedback Details: My game is still in an early alpha phase and I posted the concept with almost daily updates on Steam Greenlight. It would be great to get your opinion and if you could rate it.
Known Issues: None
Hi! Lunar Catch was inspried by the classical game Pong but it has a few twists and additions. You can select from different characters with unique abilities and each char has its own level with unique effects on gameplay.
It would be great if you could tell me what you think about it and if you like to support it you can share the link to the official website or visit my Indiegogo campaign to bring it to STEAM. If you are interested in alpha/betatesting you can sign up here: http://lunarcatch.jimdo.com/beta/. Thanks! biggrin.png

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