Are these functions and parameters used in DirectX 11.2?

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2 comments, last by Alessio1989 9 years, 2 months ago

Functions and parameters like WINAPI, hPrevInstance, hInstance , PSTR etc are used in DirectX 11.2?


The things you list are not functions, they are the calling conventions, common parameter names and types of WinMain.

So yes, I guess they are used in DirectX 11.2 apps. But why do you ask?

This tutorial series does not use them.

This series uses them.

So I am confused? Which one should I study?

The first are winrt Store application, the second are "classic" win32 Desktop application. Which srtarting from is pratically irrilevant, however most of tutorials, books, demos and samples available are desktop application.

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Direct3D 12 quick reference:

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