MOBA - Ability Bug

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5 comments, last by DpakoH 8 years, 5 months ago

So, after testing out Awakening of Heroes (alpha tester), I have come across this certain bug that prevents me of using any abilities, it randomly shows up it happens in ever 2 out of 10 games that I play. Do you know any idea how to fix this since it IS in the game code itself and the coders are not quite sure what to do...

Thank you in forward,

Random alpha tester :)


Unless someone here works on the game, we can't really help you with this.

Your best/only option is bringing this up with the developers of the game. If they can't find/fix it, there's not much we can do about it, unless they post with details and e.g. code snippets for someone to help them look.

EDIT: Also, I hope you include a lot more detail than this when you report the bug to the game's developers. The more details you provide them, the more information they have to act on to figure out what's wrong,

Hello to all my stalkers.

Well that's the problem nobody can figure out what is going on, and we meet in person when I explain the bugs/ideas since we are kind of "partners" it's a long story but nevermind that, I just wanted to know if somebody had this issue with other MOBA's or even if they created a MOBA themself and had this issue :)

Bugs are game specific. However, there are some common things you can do to help the developers.

In order to fix a bug, the testers and developers need to do three things:

1. Figure out exactly how to reproduce the problem.
2. Find the code/data responsible for the problem and attempt to fix it.
3. Test it to make sure it's actually fixed, and make sure nothing else broke due to the change.

You, as a tester, are responsible for helping the developers out with part 1. What you need to do is figure out how to *cause* the bug to occur reliably. Once you've figured out these "repro steps" as we call them, you report them to the developer.

For part 2, the developer then runs the game with a debugger or other diagnostic tools and watches what happens in the code when they follow those steps, and compares the result against what they expect to happen. This frequently lets them find the problem, and lets them work on a fix.

For part 3, the developer tests their fix by following your repro steps again (and any additional tests they have come up with after determining what other problems could happen).

Well that's the problem nobody can figure out what is going on...

If that's true, we can't help you either.

I just wanted to know if somebody had this issue...

Your description of the problem is extremely generic. I'm sure people have all run into a "game didn't let the player do something" bug. The problem is too implementation-specific for us to even begin to speculate about what is wrong. Even if the genre is the same (MOBA), each team implements their code in completely different ways. This is why you need to experiment while playing the game until you figure out what the actual repro steps are, and discuss with the team itself. This kind of bug isn't specific enough for people who aren't working on that game to help with.

There's no way for us to know.

Obviously there are checks in place to determine whether or not a player can use their abilities, and sometimes the outcome of these checks are wrong.

Either the checks are wrong, the things they check are wrong, or both.

What those checks are, what's being checked and how those things are updated/changed is impossible for us say anything worthwhile about.

Maybe something is changed when it shouldn't be. Maybe something isn't changed when it should be. Maybe a combination of those. Maybe everything is changed as it should, but the things that check it are looking at the wrong things.

There's really nothing more specific we can say.

Like Nypyren says, the developers need to reproduce it and figure out what's wrong using the tools they have available to them,

Hello to all my stalkers.

Thank you for all your replies I will try my best to figure out and recreate the bug :)

For bugs that are hard to re-create or seem random I usually find extensive logs very useful. So one idea is that the developers integrate some heavy logging into the game and then try to dig up the bug :)

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