Version control server hosting services for unity

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1 comment, last by frob 8 years, 3 months ago


I wanted to host my project, and people recommend use digtalcloud, assembla and such, and for digtalcloud they only have 20GB to 640GB. so for example if I have photoshop file which is 500MB then if I have 5 revision it will already take up 2.5GB of my space storage, so I guess each project would need at least 80GB which I have to pay $80 mo, so my question is why do people still recommend to use digtalcloud and such, because it's not only expensive and also does not have enough storage space for us? thanks

You could just rent a vserver and install subversion on it -- will probably be half the cost (but costs your time in learning how to be a linux sysadmin...).

Also, your 500MB file will hopefully be smaller than that on the server -- most version control systems compress all your data.

Additionally, many version control systems -- especially the free server versions -- are oriented around text repositories, not around resources like graphics and textures and audio and other assets common in games.

As a tool, Git and other distributed version control systems are a bad fit for games development when it comes to versions of game assets. They require enormous amounts of disk space as assets grow: nobody wants to store hundreds of gigabytes of raw audio and video files, especially since they don't delta very well.

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