Visual Studio 2015 community - Problem SDK Target

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3 comments, last by mobjr 7 years, 6 months ago

Hello. :)

I'm new here. I have Visual Studio 2015 community. I have MinGW and I don't have problems.

Now I found VS2015 and I see i can build my own programs and games with DirectX. I have Windows 7 x64

I tried to create a new project in "C++ with DirectX11 SDK" and I see that message: "Cannot find the target" <_<

I tried google but with no success. :(

I installed DirectX SDK "June 2010" and "August 2009" and "Windows SDK 7"
i can't include "windows.h" or even "stdio.h" in my projects... :(

here my problem:

The compilation errors are obviously fallout from the install problems. The SDKs aren't being installed properly.

I had no idea what could cause those installer errors until I tried this new thing called "Googling" :P and found that it probably means that the download of the installer failed. This might happen if your Internet connection flaked out or if you ran out of disk space during install, among other things.

The DirectX error S1023 just means that you already have a newer version installed.

The Win10 SDK error giving the same download problem as the VS2015 installer still indicates a network or disk space issue.

As the link above says, you might try clearing your %temp% folder and checking disk space. The install is going to require a few GBs and then some (the newer "15" RC installers are _much_ leaner, and you might try those instead).

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

Hello SeanMiddleditch. :)

about the DirectX is OK :) Yes. I know there is no SDK I trying to download from vs2015c. :(

There is no problem with my HD(space) and my connection. :)

I cannot create my project with C++ and Dx11

I see that message...

I tried to repair my vs2015c and found this

I uninstalled vs2015res14.0.24215 and I installed 14.0.210

my vs2015c show me that message:

perhaps my problem is :

with no success :(

And throw away most hope of using precompiled 3rd party libraries for a few months, right?

Technically speaking, that's never been the _general_ case with any other version of VS; the only thing that broke was use of STL types across library boundaries.

However, "15" CRT didn't change the STL ABI this time around, so it's completely back-compat with libraries compiled for 2015's CRT. :)

I see that message...

The install isn't completing. Of course actually using a half-installed program/tool/whatever isn't going to work. :)

perhaps my problem is :

Could be. Though it also might just be your %temp% folder; did you clear that and check its ACLs?

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

Hello SeanMiddleditch. :)

I believe visual studio is not for me. :wacko: Now I want uninstall VisualStudio 2015 community. I have a lot of headcache. <_<

MinGW is easy and I can build my own programs and Games with OpenGL on both platforms without problems (Windows and Linux). :wink:


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