DirectInput hooking crashes the game in the EnumObjects.

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3 comments, last by gzmarshall 7 years, 3 months ago

Hi All,

I'm working on an assignment to support an HID device as the XInput device in the game. I've hooked the XInput APIs and DirectInput APIs.

When I tested in the game GTA5, it crashes the game when calling the original callback function of the EnumObjects. Please take a look at the following log:

00000074 83.80397034 [4092] [4092 3296]UNICODE version interface
00000075 83.80400085 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::CXGLDirectInput8W
00000076 83.80457306 [4092] [4092 3296]<<CXGLDInputImpl::DirectInput8Create - hr:0x0
00000077 83.80511475 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::AddRef
00000078 83.80567932 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{6F1D2B61-D5A0-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}
00000079 83.80657959 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::EnumDevices - devType:0x4, flags:0x1
00000080 83.82684326 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{FB219230-D9B8-11E6-8001-444553540000}
00000081 83.82961273 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{FF7B9D80-D9B8-11E6-8002-444553540000}
00000082 83.83124542 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{FFDAD480-D9B8-11E6-8003-444553540000}
00000083 83.83289337 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{00994280-D9B9-11E6-8004-444553540000}
00000084 83.83465576 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{C334046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}
00000085 83.83593750 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::CXGLDirectInputDevice8W - 0x0000000000000000
00000086 83.83647156 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::QueryInterface - guid:{54D41081-DC15-4833-A41B-748F73A38179}
00000087 83.83686066 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::AddRef - count:2
00000088 83.83724213 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Release - count:1
00000089 83.83763885 [4092] [4092 3296]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceInfo
00000090 83.83803558 [4092] [4092 3296]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - flags:0x0
00000091 85.62302399 [996] The process \??\C:\Windows\system32\WerFault.exe 3064 is created
00000092 85.62399292 [996] The process C:\Windows\system32\WerFault.exe 3064 164 232 starts
My code is as below:
XGLLog(L">>%s - flags:0x%x", __FUNCTIONW__, flags);
{ sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEW), GUID_YAxis, 0x0, 0x102, 0x100, L"Y Axis", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1, 0x31, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }
if (callback != NULL)
switch (flags)
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < _countof(didoi); nIndex++)
(*callback)(&didoi[nIndex], ref);
hr = DI_OK;
XGLLog(L"<<%s - hr:0x%x", __FUNCTIONW__, hr);
return hr;

Does any know why? How to fix it? I've attached the entire project for your reference.[]



There's a good chance that they don't use DirectInput anymore, because it's deprecated.

Microsoft themselves advice to use Windows messages instead.

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

DirectInput, and even Xinput is deprecated true, to the new IGamepad interface ( that is a mess to use in a pure C++ context ), but if you goal is to wrap your whatever new controller you have, you will have to implement the three ( plus raw input, possibly ).

All i can see is your last log was in create device, you need a callstack to get more information, to do so, you need to attach the debugger to the application ( GTA here ).

Thanks guys. I've found out the place to cause the crash due to my incorrect understanding to the GUID of the property by means of setting the Windbg as the JIT debugger.

However, I'm running into another crash after the game returns the first time it calls the Acquire. But this time, the call stack is in the game exe module not mine.

I tried to attach the debugger to the process to do live debugging but the game refused it and kept showing error dialog complaining that the game is required to be launched by the game launcher. Does anyone know how to do live debugging to the game process?

On the other hand, I would add the code to hook the RawInput because I noticed that it's calling two RawInput APIs.

Will post the issue again here if I can't figure it out.



Hi Guys,

I am stuck by one issue again. Can anyone shed me a light on it? Please take a look at the following breakdown.

  1. Hook the API DirectInput8Create to create the my own object CXGLDirectInput8W. My target game now is GTA5. I'm pretty sure that the game is using the UNICODE version.

hr = pDInputHook->DirectInput8Create(hInst, dwVersion, riidltf, ppvOut, punkOuter);

if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ppvOut && *ppvOut)


if (riidltf == IID_IDirectInput8A)


XGLLog(L"ANSI version interface");


else if (riidltf == IID_IDirectInput8W)


XGLLog(L"UNICODE version interface");

*ppvOut = new CXGLDirectInput8W(reinterpret_cast<LPDIRECTINPUT8W>(*ppvOut));




XGLLog(L"The request IID isn't supported yet!");



2. Pass through all other callings of the class method except the method EnumDevices and CreateDevice. Implement the method EnumDevices to record all the enumerated devices instance into a vector and add a fake xbox 360 controller to the enumeration callback function. Implement the method CreateDevice to exclude those recorded device instances except the fake xbox 360 controller. Since now on, the fake xbox 360 controller takes over all the calling of the game.



*device = new CXGLDirectInputDevice8W;

hr = DI_OK;


3. Implement all the methods of the class CXGLDirectInputDevice8W that the game calls. The following piece is extracted from the log file.

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDInputImpl::DirectInput8Create - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInput8W::AddRef

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{6F1D2B61-D5A0-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}

[3484 2268]>>CXGLRawInputImpl::RegisterRawInputDevices - number:1 size:16

[3484 2268][0]- page:0x1, usage:0x6, flags:0x100, hwnd:0x0000000000010562

[3484 2268]<<CXGLRawInputImpl::RegisterRawInputDevices - bRetVal:1

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInput8W::EnumDevices - devType:0x4, flags:0x1

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{F46EFEB8-86FE-4478-872D-8868EA20FB42}

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::CXGLDirectInputDevice8W - 0x0000000000000000

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::QueryInterface - guid:{54D41081-DC15-4833-A41B-748F73A38179}

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::AddRef - count:2

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Release - count:1

[3484 2268]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceInfo

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - flags:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - flags:0x3

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetCooperativeLevel - HWND:0x0000000000020548 level:0x5

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetCooperativeLevel - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities

[3484 2268]size:24, axes:0, buttons:0, type:0x0, ffdv:0x447886fe, ffmtr:0xcccccccc, ffsp:0xcccccccc, fmv:0x44c, flags:0x0, hwr:0xf46efeb8, pov:0

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Acquire

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Acquire - hr:0x0

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Poll

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Poll - hr:0x1

[3484 2268]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState - size:272

[3484 2268]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState - hr:0x0

4. Everything seems to work now except that the game never calls the hooked XInput APIs. Using the real Xbox 360 controller, it shows the similar log but it calls the hooked XInput APIs. The following piece is extracted from the log of the real Xbox 360 controller. Why???

[4476 4820]UNICODE version interface

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInput8W::CXGLDirectInput8W

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDInputImpl::DirectInput8Create - hr:0x0

[4476] [4476 4820]CXGLDirectInput8W::AddRef

[4476] [4476 4820]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{6F1D2B61-D5A0-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInput8W::EnumDevices - devType:0x4, flags:0x1

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{1AF440E0-DBD9-11E6-8001-444553540000}

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::CXGLDirectInputDevice8W - 0x00000000518F8958

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::QueryInterface - guid:{54D41081-DC15-4833-A41B-748F73A38179}

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Release - count:1

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceInfo

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - flags:0x0

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:0, type:258, guid:{A36D02E1-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Y Axis, col:1, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x31, page:0x1

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]size:24, header:16, obj:0x102, how:0x2, min:0, max:65535

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:4, type:2, guid:{A36D02E0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:X Axis, col:1, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x30, page:0x1

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]size:24, header:16, obj:0x2, how:0x2, min:0, max:65535

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:8, type:1026, guid:{A36D02F5-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Y Rotation, col:2, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x34, page:0x1

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]size:24, header:16, obj:0x402, how:0x2, min:0, max:65535

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:12, type:770, guid:{A36D02F4-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:X Rotation, col:2, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x33, page:0x1

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]size:24, header:16, obj:0x302, how:0x2, min:0, max:65535

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:16, type:514, guid:{A36D02E2-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Z Axis, col:3, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x32, page:0x1

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]size:24, header:16, obj:0x202, how:0x2, min:0, max:65535

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:24, type:4, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 0, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x1, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:25, type:260, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 1, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x2, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:26, type:516, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 2, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x3, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:27, type:772, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 3, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x4, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:28, type:1028, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 4, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x5, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:29, type:1284, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 5, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x6, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:30, type:1540, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 6, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x7, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:31, type:1796, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 7, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x8, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:32, type:2052, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 8, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x9, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:33, type:2308, guid:{A36D02F0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Button 9, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0xa, page:0x9

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:14, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:20, type:16, guid:{A36D02F2-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Hat Switch, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x39, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:0, type:192, guid:{A36D02F3-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Collection 0 - Game Pad, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x5, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:0, type:448, guid:{A36D02F3-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Collection 1, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x0, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:0, type:704, guid:{A36D02F3-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Collection 2, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x0, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:0, ofs:0, type:960, guid:{A36D02F3-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Collection 3, col:0, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x0, page:0x1

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - flags:0x3

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:0, type:258, guid:{A36D02E1-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Y Axis, col:1, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x31, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:4, type:2, guid:{A36D02E0-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:X Axis, col:1, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x30, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:8, type:1026, guid:{A36D02F5-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Y Rotation, col:2, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x34, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:12, type:770, guid:{A36D02F4-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:X Rotation, col:2, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x33, page:0x1

[4476 4820]size:576, dim:0, fffr:0, ffmf:0, flags:256, ofs:16, type:514, guid:{A36D02E2-C9F3-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}, name:Z Axis, col:3, index:0, exp:0, reportid:0, usage:0x32, page:0x1

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetCooperativeLevel - HWND:0x000000000004055A level:0x5

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities

[4476 4820]size:24, axes:5, buttons:10, type:0x10215, ffdv:0x11e6dbd9, ffmtr:0x7fe, ffsp:0xe9454965, fmv:0x44c, flags:0x5, hwr:0x1af440e0, pov:1

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Acquire

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Acquire - hr:0x80070005

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInput8W::CreateDevice - guid:{F46EFEB8-86FE-4478-872D-8868EA20FB42}

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::CXGLDirectInputDevice8W - 0x0000000000000000

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::QueryInterface - guid:{54D41081-DC15-4833-A41B-748F73A38179}

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::AddRef - count:2

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Release - count:1

[4476 4820]CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceInfo

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - flags:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - property:4

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetProperty - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - flags:0x3

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::EnumObjects - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetDataFormat - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetCooperativeLevel - HWND:0x000000000004055A level:0x5

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::SetCooperativeLevel - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities

[4476 4820]size:24, axes:0, buttons:0, type:0x0, ffdv:0x447886fe, ffmtr:0x7fe, ffsp:0xe9454965, fmv:0x44c, flags:0x0, hwr:0xf46efeb8, pov:0

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetCapabilities - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Acquire

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Acquire - hr:0x80070005

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Poll

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Poll - hr:0x8007000c

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Poll

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::Poll - hr:0x8007000c

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState - size:272

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState - size:272

[4476 4820]<<CXGLDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState - hr:0x0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLXInputImpl::GetState - 0

[4476 4820]<<CXGLXInputImpl::GetState - 0 0

[4476 4820]>>CXGLXInputImpl::GetState - 0

[4476 4820]<<CXGLXInputImpl::GetState - 0 0

Does anyone know what I'm missing? I'm stuck here for a whole week. The game doesn't call the WMI (IWbemLocater) to discriminate the Xbox controller and normal joystick. It doesn't call SetupApi to enumerate the devices. Any ideas are appreciated.



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