OpenGL book recomendations

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4 comments, last by trysil 22 years, 5 months ago
Hi! Anyone have a book to recomend (the standard recomendation is out of print ) for a beginner? /Trysil "A witty and slightly sarcastic quote from an unkown source" -- The generic SIG /trysil Edited by - trysil on December 14, 2001 3:09:31 AM
"A witty and slightly sarcastic quote from an unkown source"-- The generic SIG/trysil
Jeez, I spend all this time working on our book recommendations section, and even crosslink the related section at the top of each forum, and still people fill the need to ask for suggestions. Try this.

What's the standard recommendation?
the best beginning book i can think of is the "OpenGL Game Programming" url: also i would recommending you go out and get the blue book as well. The red book is great to and you can find it on this site for free!

- Lurking
- Lurking
Try DirectX for dummies ...

Whatever you do don''t get the LaMothe series OpenGL Game Programming by Hawkins (CEO and Astile (Myopic Rhino). Just kidding You should of course get the above mentioned book. It isn''t just from a couple of people who played major roles in bringing you this site, but also a good book.
Keys to success: Ability, ambition and opportunity.
Use your eyes. Or just read Myopic''s post

Trent (ShiningKnight)
E-mail me
"Whoso is a man, is a nonconformist"
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

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