return of the wonked out dates

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0 comments, last by SiCrane 24 years, 2 months ago
The following date string showed up in the forums: "Posted - 14 February, 2000 12/31/1899 12:11:04 AM" attached to the sines and cosines thread in general programming forum. Wasn't this fixed? For that matter the post time on this message is "Posted - 14 February 2000 12:19:03 AM" but it's currently February 15, 12:19:03 AM EST. Edited by - SiCrane on 2/14/00 11:21:03 PM
We''ll add this and the bump problems to the list of defects. It may be a little bit before we can take care of them, since they don''t really adversely affect usage, so they take a lower priority level.

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