opengl sync error

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-1 comments, last by Jayce 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi there, I asked a question about setting up multiple opengl windows a few days ago. Things are working now and I have 4 seperate opengl forms running. BUT... it seems I have a synchronization problem right now. Whenever I switch from one form to another (by clicking on it), it renders the stuff meant for form 4 in another form (like form 1,2 or 3) and vice versa. Seems I'm clicking on the forms too fast or something and opengl can't keep up? Guess I have to use a glFinish here or something but ev-e-ry-thing I tried hasn't worked yet. It's driving me crazy! Anyone knows what to do???? Later, Jayce P.s I am using wglMakeCurrent to activate the opengl rendering context of the form I'm clicking on... Edited by - Jayce on February 19, 2002 6:09:06 AM

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