opengl draw optimization problem

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1 comment, last by dirtydevil 24 years, 2 months ago
I am reading ase files and drawing on my game with GL_TRIANGLE, so I want to optimize the render time. I have made a version with TRIANGLE_FAN, where I first analize the mesh and see an optimal combination of fans, so it runs now twice faster. Thats fine, but I realized after (stupid me) that the texture is completely wrong, because the pivot vertex never change its texture parameters... Well, can I fix it with TRIANGLE_STRIP or any other way? How? How the engines make that? Or I am just a stupid newbe and everybody uses just TRIANGLES? Thanks 11915640
The best thing you can do is to use vertex buffers, and then draw triangle lists that index into the vertex buffer.

I don''t know how to do it in OpenGL so you will have to ask someone else.

This kind of optimization I hame made already (with display lists, same as vertex buffers). What I want is another kind of optimizations, such as FANS or STRIPS, beyond the vertex buffers... 11915640

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