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30 comments, last by BiGCyC 21 years, 10 months ago
Hi all, Here''s my first ever OpenGL demo, just hoping for some feedback, FPS, ideas, flames etc.....;D Download just under 2MB Thanks BiGCyC
Can''t find GLU.dll
link with GLU32.LIB not GLU.LIB !

I copied GLU32.DLL to GLU.DLL to make it run.
Still, it was slow, 100fps max and 75fps min...


ok here''s the dll''s

just put then inot the root where the EXE''s are


Yoshy thanks, I just realised I had the glu32.dll in debug but not release mode which is what these EXE''s are....whoops ;D
The FPS counter is nearly unreadable... you probably want to
update it only once a second.
The keys F10, F11, etc show a bad behaviour... if I press the fog key, for example, the fog activates and desactivates an arbitrary number of times. Seems like you are testing for keys being pressed each frame, so if I press the key for 1 second, the fog is activated/deactivated let''s say 30 times during this time.
The sky doesn''t really look like a sky.
Anyway, very nice demo. Keep it working.

I had from 25 to 60 fps in both.
My computer: Athlon 900, Geforce 2 MX 200 (=crap), W2K Pro.
Thanks for the feedback,

Yeah I gotta sort out the FPS counter, fog&wireframe buttons, the sky is a bit hard to get right at the mo, the resolution is too low on the texture and the poly count on the dome is too low as well, I''ll see if I can bump them up a bit.

I also just realised that I wasn''t calculating the shadows in the PolyCount, this means whatever value is shown should be doubled.

Pretty nice but it didn''t reset my desktop to the correct res when quit - was that just me?

I got about 18 - 20 fps

pentium II 350, geforce 2 MX, 160mb, win98

I like the trees

Sorry about the reset in the resolution, I thought it might be a win98 thing only (Win2000 remembers the res ). I''ve uploaded the fix, and changed the sky background to look more like clouds ( still a bit rubbish).

I''m working on some grass at the moment to beef the ground up a bit.

hehe thank God for 3DS Max and it''s simple shapes for the trees.
I might swap them, for billboards ( should increase frame rate a lot, 1 tree is about 900 polys at the mo)

great game I loved it but where is the conlision detection or the weapons I want the full version when its out


Don''t worry they''re all on the way, plus drivable vehicles and hopefully multiplayer support

I''ve added some dodgy grass in the demo to make the ground look a bit more interesting.


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