I'm back?

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 07, 2005
So it's been a while. Fancy that. Bet you all missed me. No takers? Ok nevermind [wink]

Anyways the hardcore stunt season is officially over as of Labor Day. What another great year. We had another serious injury to match the one that happened last season but that was it. No deaths - that's definetly a good thing. I learned a lot from a lot of really talented people this year. You know how they say that experience ages you? Well I definetly feel like I've aged a few years this season.

So what happened to me at the beginning of July? Why no more updates? Well as I hinted in the above paragraph, I really threw myself into stuntwork this year. There were a lot of really experienced people in the cast this time around, and I had to up my own game to keep pace. I even started working as a technician backstage on my off days towards the end of the month and then all through August I was on 6 days a week teching and doing shows. The last week actually I worked 7 days straight. I also started loading pyro for the show at the beginning of August, and now I'm getting my pyro license this month. I'm excited about the new oppurtunities this will open up for me.

That's not the only thing though. I was working hard in what little spare time I had, trying to get the hang of Torque2D. Mainly TorqueScript. The main problem was that a lot of the TS resources were for TGE owners only, in fact I actually made two or three trips to Borders to reference the 3D Game Programming All in One book for TS. i was also asking a ton of questions on the forums. What I really needed was a T2D book, but that's not coming for a while I suppose. Still, I managed to work up enough skill in TS to begin peicing together a game my team and I over at BES drew up a few years ago now (wow, that long eh? Geeeez). I didn't wanna post any screens (or any journal entries) till I had more done, but seeing as it took me this long to get this far... what the hell.

The main menu. The UI is pretty much fully functional. All the menus are set up, slight bugs in the in-game menu but that's it.

Settings menu. Learning how to use OpenAL through TS was a trip to Borders :P

One of the two game modes setup screens. I still need to learn how to load custom fonts for the labels and the text boxes look out of place since I'm using old artwork but evrything's fully functional (I mean buttons and stuff :P You still can't play against AI, change the music, or any of that stuff, ha)

So while I don't have any actual gameplay yet, I do have random blocks dropping into their clips and animated, movable drop targets. Again, old artwork with different transparency types. Wheee...

Just a cool shot of all the stats and a look at the sweet 213 fps :P Yea that won't last once the actual game code is in place, haha.

So that's me in a nutshell these days I suppose. I'm looking to get back into regular journal updates and get back to working on my TS skillz. Obviously my game dev time has been sliced further still now that I'm looking to getting into some pyro work, but it'll always be a hobby I'll keep plugging away at. Someday something will come of it. I'm nothing if not a patient man. As Robert DiNiro once said to Edward Norton in The Score, "Kid, I'll give you some advice. Make a list of the things you want in life now, and then spend the next 25 years of your life getting them".

Sound advice I tell you. I have plenty of time left [smile]

Oh and before I sign off, I have to send some love to my baby, who's off at college now reading this... miss you!! [inlove] I'll throw out another peice of advice too - "He who hesitates has only one week before college". Best keep your eyes wide open guys - you can never see them hunting you till it's almost too late [smile]
Previous Entry Whoa that was scary
Next Entry The next day
0 likes 6 comments


I wondered where the hell you disappeared to. Looks good, btw. [grin]
September 07, 2005 11:47 PM
My god! I was about to tell everyone that you'd died and gone to heaven. Welcome back and glad to hear the serious accident didn't happen to you.

Don't be such a stranger for the next few months!

Good luck with the T2D
September 08, 2005 04:26 AM
I'm glad to hear you survived the season! I think it's really cool what you do.

The graphics and interface for your game look neeeto!
September 08, 2005 08:51 AM
Thanks guys - good to be back [smile]
September 08, 2005 10:34 AM
Yeah, bout time. The pyro thing sounds cool, is it through Six Flags that you're being licensed or some outside organization? I've always wanted to do that kind of stuff, good luck [grin].
September 08, 2005 01:50 PM
Dunno the details of the license yet, the training is next week. I'll know more soon tho
September 08, 2005 09:58 PM
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