The Fat Lady may have sung

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published December 04, 2005
Figures. I get to the end of the day and what happens? My computer decides to finally keel over and die. This is before I have a chance to back up for the day mind you. Why the hell did I not edit all my files remotely? I feel like such a freaking idiot for continuing to work on files on a hard disk I knew was on the verge of failing when I could have edited them from one of my network drives. Stupid stupid stupid. So now unless I can get my computer to recognize the hard drive, I just lost all my work for the day. Yes, it could be worse and I could have lost more than that but I had made a lot of progress on GC and was just getting ready to post some new screenshots when the comp crashed for good [sad]. I made the message boxes more generic and added a new mode for OKONLY-type msg boxes in addition to the YESNO-type ones I had last time I posted screens. The editor had come a long way - all the palettes were loaded and selectable, and I even had game maps up! AUUUGH!!

Any setback, no matter how small, can be devastating, and I'm feeling that right now. I took down my old laptop from the shelf it had retired to as a network drive, dusted it off and installed Firefox and Trillian. So I'm good to go until I get the big laptop fixed... somehow. I called Sony support earlier today and they told me I would have to ship it out to their retail store in San Diego. Well fuck that. I have to pay for shipping are you nuts? I'll have to investigate further and see just what exactly is covered under this warranty I still have covering me. I may just end up installing a new hard drive myself. Screw it.

Anyways I'm rather pissed off right now as you might imagine. This is my first hard drive failure ever in my life and even tho I know it usually happens at least once to everyone that doesn't really make me feel any better. The rest of my night is pretty much shot, guess I'll catch up on my magazines and watch a movie or something. Tomorrow I'm going to download Codeweaver and try working on GC on this machine - it's got built-in graphics but I'm not doing a whole lot in the game yet and T2D is pretty good with old hardware. So we'll see.

I'm going to try booting up my comp again before bed too - maybe after a time-out she'll be ready to cooperate at least enough for me to get my data off it.


Hot damn I just remembered that I uploaded all the pics before the comp crashed - they're on my GDNet+ account so here they are - the GC that should have been... *sniff*

This is the OKONLY message box. You'd call it like thus
loadMessageBoxDlg("You can't quit! Nyah nyah!", null, $MSGBOX_OKOKNLY);

The null is usually where you'd place the name of the function to handle a yes or no button, but since there's only oe button on this form of message box, you don't need it

Here's a large map loaded

Here's a small map loaded after clicking on the Small button under the Map Sizes. Note also to the right that I selected a new brush - the selector box whizzes down to highlight it

Here I've scrolled down the available system brushes and selected a new one

Ooooh new backgrounds [smile]

Switched the background again as well as the palette

Okay well - I feel a little better now that I was able to post those.... bittersweet...
Previous Entry Dead comp walking
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Ah, that's terrible. I can say that I know the feeling. :/

On the upside, however, the screenshots look great. :)
December 04, 2005 10:18 PM
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