
Projects, Games, Code, Tutorials...
108 entries
Rob Loach
July 06, 2005
Here we go!
I know, I know, I haven't made a journal update in such a long time and feel free to glare and throw rocks at me as much as you'd like. But, hear me out here for I have come with great tidings! The project I'm working on (codenamed kEngine), is coming along very nicely and here's a demo for you a…
Rob Loach
June 25, 2005
Hello SourceForge
We submitted our 4E4 contest entry to SourceForge and it was approved so for the past while I've been fooling around with the CVS. I think I've finally figured it out now by using PuttyGen, PuttyAnt, Putty and TortoiseCVS. It's all setup now, although having to try and get it setup again on anoth…
Rob Loach
June 21, 2005
Screeny Wheeny
I've updated ScreenCap to Version 1.2. The two major things in this update are the installer and thumbnail generation. Through the installer, you can have it automatically when Windows starts up, which is nice. I made the installer using Nullsoft Scriptable Install System which was a new thing t…
Rob Loach
June 10, 2005
I see you!
After attempting to take some good screenshots of Blastoids a while ago, I decided that I should make a screenshot capturing program that would not only take shots of the fullscreen, but also of the active window. ScreenCap is the aftermath.

[Austin Powers] YEAH BABY, YEAH! [/Austin Powers]
I'm look…
Rob Loach
June 08, 2005
Miss You
With the new 4E4, I've been throwing around ideas with Cibressus. Chances are that we'll be working on a game with C#, SDL.NET and Lua in the backbone. Where we'll get our art, I have no clue. Terry seems to be really good with C# and will have a lot of time on his hands soon so we'll just have …
Rob Loach
June 02, 2005
Meeting, Here We Come
Blastoids now has a showcase entry. There's a lot wrong with the game and I'd like to fix it up someday when I have the time. It has been released now though, so that's a good thing.

[SoundEffects]Pew Pew Pew Pew[/SoundEffects]

The GDNet Toronto IGDA Meeting is being held today at the CBC Building.…
Rob Loach
May 30, 2005
Need more time!
Blastoids is finally out at version 1.0 . I added a bunch of sounds as well as found a bunch of bugs that needed fixing. It would be great to get bosses and enemy ships flying around so that I could play with AI, but I just don't have the time now between eating, sleep and biking. Sorry about th…
Rob Loach
May 08, 2005
GDNet Toronto Strives!
With the new GDNet Gathering feature comes GDNet Toronto! We've already met once and the next time will be the first official meet. All from Toronto must attend.... Apparently Pouya doesn't like the ass touching so he won't come. Unfortunate.

I haven't done much in the ways of development. Work…
Rob Loach
May 06, 2005
What's to come from nothing?
I just watched Thirteen and thought it was pretty crazy. To sum it up for those of you who have yet to see it, it's about an young innocent girl who joins a new social group of friends and gets into drugs, alcohol, sex and attempted suicides. I don't remember knowing any girls like that when I wa…
Rob Loach
May 01, 2005
Work 0, Personal Projects 1
Sadly there hasn't been no news as to the work situation. But that means that I've had time to work on my own personal projects. No, not the asteroids clone, ProcessProtect. It's my first attempt at a useful program in C#.

It's main goal is to pretty much moniter your system. You can end multipl…
Rob Loach
April 28, 2005
C# + Direct3D == Awesome
I was bored, so I decided to post in this thing as it has been a while. I finally tried out C# with Direct3D and it's damn awesome. I went through the first two official Microsoft Managed DirectX tutorials and this is the result:

Yes, it's a spinning triangle with a main menu and yes, it's going t…
Rob Loach
April 18, 2005
No Time, No Job
Being unemployed is worse that I thought. With school finishing for the summer, I'm out sending resumes to, well, everywhere. The odd contract job is my source of income at the momment and need a full time thing soon. I've been sending my resume out but noone is responding. I might just have to…
Rob Loach
April 11, 2005
He Lives!
You now have a limited amount of lives in Blastoids as well as health and shields. Don't have any type of powerups or anything like that, and it would be nice to have the shields slowly regenerate or something like that.

You'll notice the music change up (No, Linkin Park is no more [smile]). You c…
Rob Loach
April 07, 2005
I fixed the bug that was popping up on exit as well as put in some midi files. The problem had to do with one of the loops that I didn't start up correctly. As for the particles disappearing, that was my attempt at dynamically seeing if it needed the downgraded graphics (bad idea), I'll make an i…
Rob Loach
April 05, 2005
Playable Demo (Finally)
I've finally made a playable demo of Blastoids. It's still in heavy development, but I think it's looking great....

It's just been so busy lately with school and trying to find something to do for the summer that I haven't really had much time really focus on the project. I really want to get this…
Rob Loach
March 31, 2005
Look At Those Particles Go
Finally, I've made a simple particle engine:

Sorry for the lack of good image quality, don't have any decent image editing software on this computer. So far the particle engine only has the ability to make particle explosions, but soon I'll have particle guns and all that great stuff as well as gra…
Rob Loach
March 25, 2005
Hmmmmm, Ogre
I did a bunch of work on the asteroids clone. Since I reworked Lucid I had to completely start over with this one. The code is nicer looking now and is significantly smaller. I can pretty much copy over what I did minus about two hundred lines to result in the same thing.

In other news, this is k…
Rob Loach
March 22, 2005
While taking a look at Python I decided that I might as well make a Dev-C++ DevPak for it as one didn't exist yet. So, you can find it here. I haven't gotten too much into the language yet, but I did get an interpreter for it onto my Pocket PC. I'll eventually do up a simple tic tac toe clone ju…
Rob Loach
March 17, 2005
More Lua
Well, I decided to have a go at more scripting and I made huge progress. I have quite the nice framework for a scripting engine going using Lua. No screenshot for you guys today, but here is an example of what you can do with the wrapper so far:

#include "scriptengine.h"
using namespace st…
Rob Loach
March 14, 2005
Nothing Much...
Haven't really done much lately on the engine. I made up another test and made some modifications on a bunch of little stuff....

About a week ago I finished up fooling around with TinyXML and got encryption working with it. I'd really like to get permanent online highscores working though. Probab…
Rob Loach
March 07, 2005
Have a simple menu system along with a progress bar now....

Note that this is only a demonstration of the simple main menu. It's quite easy to understand as well from the end-programmer side:

// Main.cpp

#include "lucid/base.h"

// The label at the bottom
class CLabelTest : public System::GUI::Label {

Rob Loach
March 05, 2005
Holy Lack Of Updates Batman!
It seems I have been missing out on posting for a past few days. I've been uber busy with programming stuff for other people I haven't really had time to work on Lucid lately. These include a PHP script to generate an RSS feed for $17, a complete website to view artist information and pictures, a…
Rob Loach
March 01, 2005


Lately I've been playing around with third party GUI systems and got fed up so I started to make my own. I decided events would be the most crucial thing in it so I based the whole system around those. So far I just have a button class which is rather simple to set up. You create the button clas…
Rob Loach
February 28, 2005
I just reworked some of the base functions to Lucid to make it easier to use. Someone asked how to move a image around with the mouse so I took the challenge and did it up: Download "You Gotta Move It". You just move the image around by dragging the mouse, so I don't really see the point in why …
Rob Loach
February 26, 2005
You gotta move it, move it....
Not much has been happening on the home front. I decided to somewhat rework Lucid a bit so to make game states and everything much easier as the amount of annoyingness I faced with Asster. I've put in TinyXML support and have been playing around with it recently. It's very cool, but the document…
Rob Loach
February 24, 2005
I did a bunch in the Asteroids clone. You could even hit the asteroids and make them blow up into smaller ones. But, there comes a time in a project when it annoys the hell out of you and you decide to redesign it. The problem came out of nowhere and started saying that a namespace that was decl…
Rob Loach
February 23, 2005
Huge Progress
Made huge progress with the development of Aster...

Download current test. It now has an options screen (keyboard/mouse and graphics detail), mouse controls, keyboard controls, working physics..... The next task is collision. I really like how the mouse control worked out. The problem with the m…
Rob Loach
February 22, 2005
James T. Kirk: "Fire!"
Just added the ship and bullets to Aster. Sadly the vector math is really screwed up with the ship so whenever you attempt put on the thrust, the ship disappears. I'll get to that later. You can also see how screwed up the image transparency is on the asteroids are. I'll fix that when I get the…
Rob Loach
February 21, 2005
Did some work on Aster (working title)... The asteroid image transparency is screwed up as well because I saved the asteroids as JPG instead of PNG. Whoops... Easily fixable though. Haven't started the actual game code. Just have the asteroids flying around randomly. Should they bounce off one…
Rob Loach
February 17, 2005
Progress A Plenty
I've made a big leap in the progress of Lucid. Not only did I fix the major game state problem I was having, I also encorporated zooming into the sprites and made it so that the camera was seperate from the surface screen. This allows camera view changes which will become mighty helpful later on.…

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