Breakout Returns

Published July 13, 2006
Over the past few weeks I've had some drive to go balls to the wall with programming and design. Finding time between my hectic school schedule led me to finish a simple slider game with a new found buddy of mine that lives back in my hometown. Upon completion of that, I vowed to keep on trucking and decided to clone another popular game; breakout. So for the past week I have completed a lot considering my time involvement.

Going with this game, I wanted to make everything as clean as I could make it. I decided to focus on a engine architecture and developing everything, so far, in a clean way. I've designed 3 of the 7 themes I'm going to be using as levels within the game. The main menu is in place and blocks can be placed however I want with a 11x11 board. I can assign blocks to have a certain impact amount until breakage and I can move around the paddle/ball with the left and right keyboard controls.

Currently, the ball rests on the paddle while you move it around. My next big feat will be to put together the ball system. I want to be able to allow the player to 'throw' the ball from the paddle with enough speed/force. I've never taken any physics courses, but I do not think this will be bad. All I know is that I want a fun clone that people will fire up when they want to blow off some time.

Some other systems that will be put into place is a real time calculation of how many blocks have been destroyed, by color. Which, will be easy. It will just be one of those visual enhancements for the player. Also, It will allow me to install a challenge mode that will allow me to assign different colors with specific point values and make the levels timed. For one of the final visuals, I'll be adding a cross-fade system to have a much better transition effect.

So, anyway. We'll see how it all comes together. Until then, preview some completed shots, all subjected to minor changes. I'm still in the process of thinking if I really want to apply the blocks, paddle and ball to the theme. I'm leaning more toward not.

// Main Menu Screen.

// Water Theme Screen

// Rock Theme Screen

Hope this visit was a -little- interesting.

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That looks freakin awesome! I especially like the mainmenu.

I also checked out Ascending Order and it was good (slide puzzles aren't my cup of tea lol.)

Keep up the good work!
July 13, 2006 05:53 PM
Very nice indeed. Are those backgrounds (like the water) animated in any way? A nice subtle rippling effect or lighting effects could look very cool.

Edit: I love the stats idea. It's one of the things I like about Meteos for the DS, it stores stats about everything. Are you going to store the stats for the current game/level, or since installation?
July 13, 2006 06:41 PM
Wow. That looks really good.

Are these backgrounds animated [the main menu HAS to be, it would look awesome]? Either way screenshots look great. Keep up the good work!

- Dan
July 13, 2006 06:44 PM
@Programmer16 ::

You asked for it! You got em'! Sorry for the Delay! Glad you enjoyed them.

To tell you the truth, I hated slider games before Ascending Order. I was never able to solve those suckers. Now, I can solve them with the quickness, no matter board size.

@takingsometime :: Statistic System

The statistics shown on the game window will represent that specific play level and give you a running count of how many times you have destroyed the block.

Now, to do something a little different, in the Challenge Mode that I am designing, the player will be given a limited amount of time to complete the board. The higher the color is on the game window panel, the higher the point value is for that block. This will encourage the player to attempt to nail those specific colors to earn the highest score for the end of the round. If you destroy all of the blocks, kudos!!! But, I warn that it will not be that easy. It is, afterall, Challenge Mode - expect the unexpected.

Never fear though. On top of the high scores that the game will be keeping track of, it will be keeping track of the total blocks destroyed, overall. since your first play. This will be located in the High Score window.

@takingsometime :: dgreen02 :: Animated Backgrounds

I actually had not thought about animating the backgrounds. Though, I must admit after you two had said something about it I really am considering placing it on the to do list. I think it would definitely add to the atmosphere to the game. We will see how everything else rolls out.
July 13, 2006 07:44 PM
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