A BJ infront of the x-ray shows nothing but teeth

Published July 28, 2006
I'm now going to be updating you guys on my 4 elements entry, I'll also be posting screenshots at the top as they come. As you can see I'm doing this pretty much myself. The story, questions and character designs are going to be handled by Crystal, she's good at that stuff. I've been thinking about using all pen and pencil art as a medium for the art, since you don't see many games like this it may be effective. The only problem with this is depth and darkness of the texture in the scene. So what I may do is make a quick shader for this, providing a hatch texture so the deeper the layer the more hatched it becomes. This will have to be done later if I have time, because I have just a small understanding of shaders and the programmable pipeline. I'm also going to be writting a layer system for parallax scrolling. Now since I'm on a strict deadline this will be a down and dirty approach, and not neccessarly the best one. Save games are going to be broken into files, and written directly into the mix file. ./save/save_XX.dat, I was originally thinking XML but I don't think I'll go with that idea.

But anything you guys can provide would be a great help, tutorials, simple implementations. Stuff like that would put me on the right foot. If it's any incentive, rates for people who do.

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