Just add water.

posted in Essembi Devlog
Published September 09, 2006
Not much of a post, just added water with rolling waves in a caribbean style. It's based heavily off the Ogre Ocean demo, just a few slight differences and changes to suit our needs.

Previous Entry Hmm.
0 likes 3 comments


Looks relaxing.
September 09, 2006 11:28 AM
Looks awesome :-D Now we need an algorithm to turn the waves at the edge of the terrain to fade out, and put a billboard for lapping waves on the short :-D (find the point where one vertice is above and one vertice is below, and thats your intersection point, then find the slope and depending you can make them smooth gradual waves, or crashing splashes)
September 09, 2006 11:59 AM
Looks infinitely better than the old water. Good job. The two things that would make it totally kickass would be to have specular lighting, and a bit of fade-in at the shore.
September 09, 2006 08:25 PM
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