3/6 Update: Procedural Generation

posted in Essembi Devlog
Published March 06, 2021

Cross posted from: https://www.essembi.com/devlog/3-6-update-procedural-generation/

No updates in a couple weeks. The main reason for this is the time we’ve been spending planning, thinking through the details, and discussing ultimate project goals and scope. It’s important, especially with a small team, to ensure a project has a focus and isn’t trying to be too many things. It’s easy to dream up something that confuses the user and over taxes the creators.

The main outcome here is a shift from hand-designed levels to a procedural model. Overall, pretty happy with how it’s coming together!

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Graphics look good, like the distance fading. Have you considered using distorted perlin noise for map generation? It gives similar large scale features but with a bit more variation on small scales. https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/162454/how-to-distort-2d-perlin-noise

It would give less smooth shorelines which could be interesting, or perhaps you like the smooth shores?

April 03, 2021 12:13 PM
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