More content updates

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published May 22, 2007
Howdy folks. I'm back to bring you some more juicy content updates. Well it came to my attention over the weekend when Promit messaged me asking what the deal was with his article submission that no one was keeping tabs on anymore. It used to feed into a backend interface, but we had to take that interface offline after the server fiasco back in Feb. So I pinged Dave for the login info (thanks Dave) and proceeded to get caught up on all the missed submissions dating as far back as March. The good news is that there were a lot of very good submissions since then, and I've pretty much responded to almost everyone. Hopefully soon you'll be seeing articles on Linux development, Flex, tips for beginners, another Sweet Snippet, shaders, and more. Not to mention my OGDC conference coverage along with Emmanuel Deloget's FMX coverage and more product reviews. For some short-term satisfaction, here are two new additions to the resources section from Game

So Ya Wanna Make A Game?: Game Almighty rounds up a selection of software for all you gamers dying to brew your own FPS legend or RPG saga; without having to break the piggy bank or hack The Matrix.

GameAlmighty Interview with Jason Della Rocca: Jason Della Rocca, Executive Director of the IGDA, has given Game Almighty an exclusive interview about the ever-evolving working conditions within the gaming industry. Rocca details how the quality of life for designers influences the final product and why new-comers to the industry should be aware of the many pitfalls they face.

New today is an interview with Jonathan Blow, the start of a series of developer interviews being run by our News Manager, Emmanuel Deloget. The next interview in this series will feature Dave Eberly.

Once I start to hear back from people I emailed through writers@, I'll be putting together a schedule and make it public via Google calendar - hopefully I can embed it at the top of my journal page somehow, that would be cool. Any suggestions to that end would be appreciated.
Previous Entry Final OGDC Blog Report
Next Entry The Articles Cometh
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Would you be terribly interested in a cleaned up and expanded version of my article on portability?

If so, I can whip one up.

Some stuff on OS X libraries is probably in order, too.
May 22, 2007 11:28 AM
Emmanuel Deloget
Quote:Original post by Ravuya
Would you be terribly interested in a cleaned up and expanded version of my article on portability?

If so, I can whip one up.

Some stuff on OS X libraries is probably in order, too.

I just read it, and that's a cool article (but since it's already on the intarweb, maybe it should be added to the resource section?).
May 24, 2007 04:42 AM
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