Hooray!!!...kind of

posted in Beals Software
Published November 19, 2007
Kind of? Wtf? Well, I've been trying to figure out why I'm having so many problems with my code base and I've figured it out. That's the hooray part. The kind of comes in to play when it turns out that about 11 files are are missing from my codebase. Where they went, I'm not sure, but about 15 different people have been using my computer over the past few months. So anyway, I get to rewrite all of that! YAY!

Phase 1 (being complete game design) is almost done though, so that's a good thing.

Anyway, since I have nothing to show today, I'll just post this (not safe for work) :
edit: shit; forgot embed doesn't work.
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Wow, that must have been quite the surprise. I'd say, "this is why you need remote source control and frequent backups", but I think you probably already realize this. At least the rewrite should be quick since you already wrote all of it once.
November 19, 2007 11:58 PM
Quote:Original post by dcosborn
Wow, that must have been quite the surprise. I'd say, "this is why you need remote source control and frequent backups", but I think you probably already realize this. At least the rewrite should be quick since you already wrote all of it once.

Heh, my backup files are among some of the around 2gb worth of stuff that's missing off my computer. I tried source control, but that ended up screwing me over so I'm not going there again lol. I guess I just need to not let anybody touch my computer and keep a copy of my backups stored on the network.
November 20, 2007 11:07 AM
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