
posted in DruinkJournal
Published August 13, 2008
I really need to get my ass in gear and write some decent DirectX related tutorials. I'm getting fed up making posts like this one, where I spend most of the post pointing out errors in the original tutorial. The point in a tutorial is that it's easy to understand, and most importantly it's correct, and I really don't believe that a tutorial should sacrifice correctness to make it slightly more readable. That's what comments are for.

Anyway, rant over. I'm back from Alton Towers, and it was pretty epic. Pictars below.

Alton Towers do this "Fast Track" system, you pay an extra GBP8 to get into a shorter queue for three of the main attractions, or an extra GBP30 to get into a shorter queue for any attraction - however, you can only fasttrack on a ride once.
The fast track queues are still 10 or 15 minutes long, if the normal queue is 45 mins though.

They also do a "Single Racer" system, for people who don't mind sitting next to a random. A lot of rides have carriges of 4 or 8 people, and if there's a group of 3 or 6 people or whatever, there's often spaces left vacant. So they grab a single person from the Single Racer queue, and put you there.
If the queue for the ride is 45 mins, the single racer queue is usually 5 minutes - on Oblivion (two, 8-person rows per carrige), there's a 2 minute wait, and you don't pay anything.

So, don't bother with fasttrack, it's a rip off.

Anyway, pics:
Me in the pub, looking somewhat manic

A group photo under Rita - Queen Of Speed, with me hiding

Boob (Left) and Heather (Right), with Oblivion in the background

Another group photo, minus my sister this time

My sister and I on Spinball Wizard, going at a billion miles an hour

Me halfway up the knob tree

More pictures possibly to follow...
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Rita may be the Queen of Speed, but she is also the Queen of Boring. The other rides like Oblivion, Air and of course Nemesis, are great [smile]

Looks like you picked a great day for it though, weather has been shit this summer [sad]
August 13, 2008 06:56 PM
Evil Steve
Quote:Original post by ViLiO
Rita may be the Queen of Speed, but she is also the Queen of Boring. The other rides like Oblivion, Air and of course Nemesis, are great [smile]

Looks like you picked a great day for it though, weather has been shit this summer [sad]
The first day was pissing down, the second was pretty sunny. And yeah, Oblivion is my favourite [smile]
August 14, 2008 04:00 AM
I actually read this caption wrong "A group photo under Rita - Queen Of Speed, with me hiding" and was trying to guess which one Rita was and why she does so much speed - doh!
August 14, 2008 01:18 PM
I have a whole queue of tutorials that I need to write up, because like you I'm positively fed up with having to explain the same basic concepts over and over. I can't tell you how many times I've explained how to make simple Skybox, or how to figure out which line of code caused an exception to be thrown, or how to to retrieve shader compilation errors.
August 14, 2008 01:42 PM
Have I met you?
August 16, 2008 11:43 AM
Evil Steve
Quote:Original post by Washu
Have I met you?
Not that I'm aware of.
August 16, 2008 11:56 AM
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