Update on my Map Tool

Published December 23, 2008
Since I have never made or done menus before it is hard to find a place to start. With much research on the web and forums I have found that glut, too has menu controls and will be researching on how to use them. My MapTool version 0.1 is now 15% done.
My goal for 0.1 was as follows:
1. Window with basic menus 25% of 0.1
2. Must be able to load object files from Blender 75% of 0.1

So far I have the window down, but it is turning out quite difficult adding a menu to it. For some reason I keep on getting access violations. When I am able to get that all straitened out ill start work on the loader. I for one don't know what is in obj files or how to read the data from it and then display it on the screen. So that will probably take the longest to complete. I could always just use a loader someone else has made but what's the fun in that?

On a later note I have reformatted my hard drive earlier today. >.< All of a sudden I kept on restarting and some times the computer would shut-down and restart when it was still on the windows loading screen. Even tho I have Norton Internet Security I think someone had accessed my computer remotely and messed with it. I am using Safari now mainly because the new Internet Explore was reported to have a major security hole that let someone bypass Norton or other anti-virus software and access the computer directly. So I had a fun time today.....

Source so far for mapTool:
//Headers//#include #include #include #include //Headers////openGL related headers#include #include #include //openGL related headers////NameSpaces//using namespace std;//NameSpaces////Video//void video() {	//GL stuff//	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);	glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);	glLoadIdentity();	//GL stuff//	glutSwapBuffers();}//Video////Mouse//void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y) {}//Mouse////Menu//void menu(int state, int x, int y) {}//Menu//int main(int argc,string args[]) {	//Glut init//	glutInit(&argc,(char**)args);	glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE|GLUT_RGB|GLUT_DEPTH);	glutInitWindowSize(800,600);	//Glut init//	//Glut Window//	glutCreateWindow("This is a test");	//Glut Window//	//Glut Functions//	glutDisplayFunc(video);	glutMouseFunc(mouse);	glutMenuStatusFunc(menu);	//Glut Functions//	glutMainLoop();	return 0;}

Very basic, since I only have the window part down. Do to complications when having the methods and functions all in different headers, I decided to write the loader in one long c++ file. After version 0.1 is done ill spend time organizing it and fixing the multi header problem i mentioned before starting on 0.2.

cya all later ^.^
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I'm not trying to convert you to C#, but it *is* somewhat easier, in general, for quick tool development, even if only to prototype for a C++ tool. Especially since it makes use of Designer(not sure if C++ has it in VS), which allows you to drag and drop the GUI elements. Adding a menu would have been a simple drag and drop, then you could have edited the menu in a "real-time" manner.

Best of luck!
December 23, 2008 04:48 AM
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