I know it's not long since my first entry..

posted in Journalgasm
Published October 04, 2004
Just wanted to share what's in my library(wall beside bed):
Linux Power Tools*
Linux Game Programming
Focus on SDL*
Isometric game programming with Direct X 7.0
C Primer Plus(3rd edition)*
Java Gently*
3D Game Art
Indie Game Development*
Unix unleashed*
C++ for Dummies-
Solaris 8 essential reference*
Windows NT Security Handbook-
Programming with Qt
Teach yourself Direct X 7 in 24 hours-
Java I/O-
Windows 2000 Developers guide-

ones marked with a * are ones I read and enjoyed, and the ones marked with a -
are ones I read part of but stopped because of how bad it was. Thinking of
either reading TANSTAAFL's Iso book or Linux Game Programming, haven't made my mind up yet..
Previous Entry Welcome to my world
Next Entry O_O
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Most of the Linix/unix books are marked with a *, and the windows books are marked -. Coincidence?
October 04, 2004 05:16 PM
nah, no coincidence, the windows 2k dev guide and nt security books were really poorly written, msdn is a better reference than the win2k guide, the nt security book said what you needed to secure a system, but gave no way on how to do it, and the Direct X 7 in 24 hours book was nothing more than source code and an explanation. I only read the first part of Iso programming with Direct X 7 and it explains it better.
October 04, 2004 11:04 PM
What was your problem with C++ for dummies? I read it and thought it was pretty good.
October 08, 2004 12:53 PM
Lots of incorrect information, and well it didn't explain things nearly as well as Stephen Prata's book does, other than that it was funny at times, but not really useful..
October 10, 2004 07:46 PM
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