Spring Break

posted in The Broken Mind
Published March 11, 2009
Game/Electronic Dev
I have been playing a little bit with my AVR and continued on getting a simple game working with the setup that I already had. The LCD only has two lines so picture it as scrolling. The player is represented as a O and with the press of the button, you move back and forth between the first and second lines on the LCD. You cant move any other way. X's approach you from the other side of the LCD, moving closer and closer to your position but never switch between the lines on the LCD. You lose if an X touches you. Now I just need to add the feature of displaying your score (how long you live) after you get touched. Oh and maybe speeding the X's up after time to make it more difficult! Hah.

Compiler Design
Telastyn and ApochPiQ have been working on their own languages for quite some time now. Telastyn's Tangent language seems to follow the evolution of other languages, adding more and more layers of abstraction with syntactic sugar and more features, which seem very interesting, my favorite being his implementation of phrases!

Apoch on the other hand has been working on his attempt, Epoch, to produce a language that is elegant, simple and gets the job done; with a focus on concurrent programming. So far it has turned out to be: elegant and simple!

I have always played with the concept of compiler design and implementing simple languages. In fact, my first [real] program ever was a parser for a variant of HTML! The high level concepts that Telastyn juggles with are far more than my mind can fathom and the idea of producing a get-the-job-done real world language that Apoch is kickin together is just a dream to me.

But there are some particular concepts of languages and compilers that I think I can handle. In particular, a type system that builds off of Ada's. No implicit casting, AT ALL. No casting an int to a float implicitly. No treating the integer value 1 as a bool. All types are completely different from each other unless specified as a subtype or explicitly casted. Also you will beable to bound a type to a particular range of values.

So I plan to implement this type system along with a few other ideas in a rudimentary language that compiles into C++ code. If I get the base of a language established then I can play with other concepts that I need some experience with, such as implementing complex grammars and optimizations.

It wont match Tangent or Epoch, or even BASIC, but it will be something.. I hope. :)
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Next Entry Still Spring Break
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Yay, more language development!
Yay, middle ground.
Yay, type systems.

Best of luck. I need more people to discuss stuff with :P
March 11, 2009 10:26 PM
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