The Worst Quest Ever...

Published March 28, 2009
After yesterday's post about needing 70 quests for LGO, the community members and I were discussing storylines and possible themes we could use to make writing quests more entertaining for the general population. The theme we've decided upon is "The Worst Quest Ever..."

Basically, all the quests in LGO will be pulled from the list of the worst things we can imagine doing, and then divided up between the "good side" and "bad side", with the good side having quests that take advantage of them, while the bad side has quests that take advantage of other NPC's.

Some example quests include:

* "My dog and I took a walk and I forgot my plastic bag at home, can you go around town and scoop up the poo?"

* "I've lost my chicken and would like you to find him. He was last seen trying to cross the road back into town."

* "Last night at dinner I somehow left my purse on the table and I'm afraid it was thrown out with the trash...can you go dig through the trash behind the pub and find my purse."

* "Every day those geeks come into the school yard and think they're so much better than everyone else. Go beat up X geeks and take their lunch money as proof."

Or the quest chain...

* "I've gotten pregnant and don't know how to tell my boyfriend he's not the father. Can you do it for me?"

followed by:

"Oh really...go kill the father..."

Which ends in:

"Sorry dear, your boyfriend left you."

As stated yesterday, you can find the Quest Posting Format here. Make sure to use that format when submitting quests to the Quest Forum. Ok, let's see what you can come up with!
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Quote:* "My dog and I took a walk and I forgot my plastic bag at home, can you go around town and scoop up the poo?"

Notification: You gained 1 x Pile of Dog Poo (common quality) [lol]

That's so ridiculous it might actually work as a quest! Thanks for sharing that, I just had my daily laugh for today.
March 29, 2009 04:08 PM
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