New look and new future for jlongster

posted in Programmology
Published July 31, 2009
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New look and new future for jlongster

July 31, 2009

I spent some time redesigning this site this past week. The initial design was only temporary until I figured out how I was going to lay everything out. After putting up some content for a couple weeks, I think I have a feel for where I want to take this site.

I fleshed out all of the projects in the software section so they now have individual pages. Of particular interest is the project page for the Scheme iPhone Example which will serve as a hub for all of my work on Scheme iPhone development. Please let people know about it!

As you can see, this blog received a few improvements as well, mainly a better way of viewing previous posts.

The future of this blog will be to track my progress as an independent game developer trying to make it in the vicious world of gaming. I am inexperienced in the gaming business, so this will be interesting. I feel that I have something new to bring to the table, and that is Scheme. I will be developing all of my games in Scheme.

Currently, I am spending 2-3 days a week developing iPhone games in Scheme. I am not entirely sure my games won't be rejected by Apple (can anyone be sure?), but it's the only market I have a chance at success in. If I can build a few successful iPhone games, I will have the resources for spending more time on bigger products. I hope to build a competitive 3d engine in Scheme someday.

As I said before, although I have been working with 3d graphics for a while, I am new to this business. Please let me know if you have any tips or want to help out in any way!


I'm glad to see Haskell on the iPhone, but it's too bad that it takes 19 patches to GHC! Luckily, it's a good bit simpler to get Gambit Scheme running on the iPhone.
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Im curious, why scheme??
August 01, 2009 06:55 PM
Many reasons, some philosophical and some practical. You should see my notes for a presentation I gave about Scheme:

Basically, the language is more expressive than most/all other languages, is more conducive to quick development, provides the best opportunities for optimizing, and many other reasons.
August 02, 2009 11:43 PM
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