Goals and what-not

Published April 28, 2010
Hello all! Welcome to my journal where I'll be documenting my progress on my current project code named Horizons. A little about myself and why I'm here. I just graduated university with a computer engineering degree and one of my hobby's is to to program. Games specifically. I got my first taste of programming way back in middle school using visual basic. Like really basic...I can still remember asking the teacher why when I added 2 + 3 I got 23 instead of 5! Fast forward a few years and I come face to face with the curse of college curriculum.

Java. That's what they teach you. Java and only Java and somehow they expect you to get a job in the real world knowing just Java. So I did what any self respecting engineer does and went out, bought a book, and taught myself C++. I highly recommend Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig/Barbara E. Moo if you are getting starting with programming yourself. I used this book along with OGRE 3D to learn about programming games, which I turned out to love doing. Here's a little screenshot of my first foray, a short and sweet skydiving game involving falling through rings and landing on a target. The first and last game that I actually "finished" which brings me to why I'm here.

I've started a lot of projects but have never managed to get one finished. Either the scope was too big, or I lost interest or came up with a better, totally different idea. From reading various forums I can see this is a pretty common problem and one that I aim to fix. So here I am. I've started this journal to give me some motivation to finish, get some feedback from you all, and just generally give me somewhere to set concrete goals other than in my head. So what goals am I setting? Well I'm glad you asked, cause it's actually pretty important.

6 weeks.

That's the main goal. In 6 weeks I'm going to have an .exe for you to download. It's going to be complete. It's going to be polished. And it's going to be fun. Or at least fun to someone with similar tastes as me. So what are my tastes? Hmmm kinda personal but ok. I like sci-fi. I think Freespace 2 and Tribes were the greatest games ever made. I read a lot of books and I love games with a great story. If you agree with this, I think my game will be fun for you too. Or at least I hope. So here I go, follow along if you must. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
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