Classic RPG #1 - Task 3

Published January 14, 2012
Previous Task 2: http://www.gamedev.n...c-rpg-1-task-2/

The Word Designer has now been fully planned! It will consist of the following:

  1. Tile Layer
  2. Object Layer
  3. Sprite Layer (For the main character / Enemies (Most will be generated randomly in the area)
  4. Collision

I will allow:

  1. New Map
  2. Save Map
  3. Load Map
  4. Map Options (For increasing, or decreasing map size)

There will also be an active scroll bar for the tile area.

I did receive a comment in the last entry to use other tools, however the entire reason for these projects is to use Allegro 5 to create my games, and tools. My code base is mainly from Allegro 4 with C++, and other Libraries, plus C#. My C# level editor is full featured for collision, tile or free based layering, plus properties per object, and would make a better edition than re-making something like this. The only reason I will not use my C# Editor is because of my intent to use Allegro 5 for all tools.

Task 3:

Task 3's object is to simply create a working world designer that can make a new map, adjust the size, save the map, load the map, and place tiles and objects on the map. The collision part will be a simple task as well. Due to my previous code base, this will be an extremely simple process.

Task 3's Goals:

  1. Create the GUI for the World Designer

  2. Program the Menu

  3. Program each Layer for Placing

  4. Program the Tiles / Objects / Sprite Selection Area

  5. Program the Scrollbar for the Selection Area

  6. Program New Map

  7. Program Save Map

  8. Program Load Map

  9. Program Map Options

I will post a video of my complete product!

Thank you for reading!

Twitter: [twitter]Black_Rook_Dev[/twitter]
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Amazing, sounds like you know what you want and you plan to get it. Can't wait to see the video this project's already looking up.
January 14, 2012 07:25 PM
I wish I could post the video, but my Visual Studio is causing some issues, so I need to fix it. I have some little things left to finish on the Designer. :)
January 14, 2012 11:14 PM
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