Dukandia - As a planet

posted in Dukandia
Published May 20, 2012
Sorry for my crazy posting lately, I have just add so much more time! I thought Id inform those of you interested in how Dukandia works, as a planetary body. This idea was one I decided was a must, if I'm going to have biomes, monsters, and make it like a real world, why not make it work like a planet? (This feature actually makes me wonder if c++ would be a better home for this game since I have been told that java can be very limited as far as speed)

Note all information here is just my ideas, I want this in the game, but the methods are just hypothetical and have not yet been tested.

The first bit of information will be travel, the world will have a "wrap around" effect or as some call it the "Pacman" effect. Course I don't mean if you go north you'll end up at the south pole, you'll just end up going down the other side of the world. The size of the planet that is Dukandia is well to say the least going to be hard to make the starter maps. (might make it auto map) The size of the titles is a sq foot. the alpha world will be 80% of the earth so:

if the earth is:
[color=#3A2A34][font=Verdana, sans-serif]

5,490,383,247,360,00[sup] [/sup]ft[sup]2[/sup]


[color=#3A2A34][font=Verdana, sans-serif]

then the alpha world will be about:

4,392,306,597,888,000 ft[sup]2[/sup] or 4,392,306,597,888,000 tiles

The full game will be 160% of earths so that means:
8,784,613,195,776,000 ft[sup]2[/sup] or 8,784,613,195,776,000 tiles

Now this is just counting the ground level, below the surface are 15 underground worlds that will be "reverse mapped" (where I remove areas to form cave systems) so in total the tiles the game will have to handle (Including the 3 sky layers) is:

79,061,518,761,984,000 tiles, so about 79 quadrillion tiles for the alpha (so I'm guessing I WILL be using an auto mapper for the extra layers and I'll just map the ground level to ensure no weird rivers through mountains occur)

Now lets move onto night:
Night will work like any planetary object. I will manage night by making night an object that is half of the planet, then I will split this object into 12 sectors, the middle 2 will be midnight, the 2 on on either side will be 11 so on so forth. The map will then see how far away a tile is from the absolute center of night and roughly calculate minutes, the object that is night will then move every few mins.

weather will be local every body of water will have a "precipitation rate" this rate is effected by the day-time of the tile. when a "water molecule" evaporates it adds an integer to the sky tile above it. The sky tile then has a "soak" time before it goes into the 2 sky layer used for weather. While the soak time is taking effect the tile can soak up as well as distribute water to other tiles, and a wind variable will effect if the tile moves in any direction. When in the second sky level the tile will move at a very slow pace if pushed at all, and the tile can no longer distribute but can soak up water. When the "water" level reaches 15 or so it will rain.

Wind will be calculated by having the sun heat and the night cool the air value at ground and sky levels, then high moves to low and certain areas and objects will make wind move or stop.

Dukandia will have two seasons summer and winter, winter is optimized so that a new player can survive although it will be a bit difficult.

That's about all the ideas I have floating around right now. Lemme know what you think, and that includes if you think c++ might be a better option.
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Servant of the Lord
You mention tiles - is Dukandia 2d or 3d? Also, how do you plan to create the world - procedural generation?
The game sounds really interesting!
May 20, 2012 04:26 PM
It is 2d, Though I have been thinking about trying my hand at some 3d models and possibly making it 3d, but for now 2d it is.

As for creating the world I am still undecided, I have just come to realize that make it is going to be a large task, and That's one of the larger reasons I have come to get working on my planning, the sooner I have everything I want down, I can get to work on methods, calculations, formulas and what not.
May 20, 2012 04:29 PM
It really sounds interesting and my first thought is always about procedural content generation, but here's just a thought.

Large worlds could be more of a hurting than a blessing. Size really does not matter in this case, content is all what matters. Once you have generated your world and visit it, you will realize quite fast, that there's something missing.

The real benefits comes from adding different kind of points of interest to your world. And at this point you can consider the scale of the world, because the size could be modifized by a single scale factor. When you change the scale factor, you change two aspects.

First the ways between points of interest and eventually the size feeling of the world. Making the factor too small will left the world feel too small, making it too large will left the world feel too boring. Well, after tweaking the scale of your world you are left with a POI density and this is what matters. When you want to create a larger world, you need to increase the POIs and this is the real hard part.
May 21, 2012 11:34 AM
There truly arnt any, the world is a blank slate for players to build on, terraform and make their own the scale is what it is to provide a decent amount of room and simulate a realistic planet environment
May 21, 2012 12:30 PM
Should go ahead ad say this is the multi p world size, single player is held on a single island made for outcasts
May 21, 2012 12:35 PM
Still, the density is important. The players will take up the role of the world designer, but to invoke interest, the players need to discover other content, that is, they need to find what other players have created. The trick is to get a balance between distance to other content and freedom.

Did you ever play elite ? One of the first games with an huge universe, still you as player only discovered a really small part of it. The player is not happier when he knows that there is an infinit world (only the developer is happy about this ;-) ), but the player will be unhappy when he discovers that the world has boundaries. Considering this, elite would be as good as it was with only a handful of randomly generated planets, as long as the player does not reach its boundary.

Don't missunderstand me, I'm a huge fan of procedural content, but I think that procedural content needed designed content to make it interesting. Utilising the player as designer is what makes minecraft so incredible successful, not its huge size.
May 21, 2012 07:37 PM
Oh I agree players will be spawned near each other and ad more join more spawn outward while still allowing you to go anywhere as for other methods of control I'm not sure shirt of adding random ruins and such for poi
May 21, 2012 09:45 PM
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