Rag Dolls and Perks

Published September 25, 2014
Hey guys,

Iam posting quick update,


Makokvak created nice inventory system that we will use - it needs some tweaking here and there but it is overall nice. He also started working on combat and ragdolls - they look really good. Also dialog system is pretty much finished.


Vendy is finishing her work on main character models and some toys. We should also have some animations really soon which is really important.

Game Design:

As for myself, I have created achievements and perk system for our game. I have quite a lot of experience with 2D games and I found out that designing 3D combat and mainly first person view is trickier than I expected. Another thing is that with limited time and resources it is good challenge to come up with something creative and fun to play, but still simplistic. I guess time will tell if we managed to succeed in that.

Here is really funny and scarry rag doll we tested today: (It will probably not be in game do not worry!)
3 likes 4 comments



Here is really funny and scarry rag doll we tested today

That's no rag doll, it's a Zombie!

Looking good.

September 25, 2014 08:11 PM

OMG, it looks like molten lego :'(

My legos, my poor poor legos!

September 26, 2014 01:26 PM

This is going to be definitely a game I want to play - the artwork is very different which intrigues me.

September 26, 2014 05:33 PM

Thanks a lot!

September 26, 2014 08:16 PM
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