IPBoard Extensions v1.5

Published August 13, 2015

Added new emotes.
Fixed literal backslash escaping.
Changed users command to link users to their profiles.
And various other things since version 1.0 that I've forgotten.

// ==UserScript==// @name IPBoard Extensions// @namespace fastcall22.com// @include http://www.gamedev.net/chat/*// @version 1.5// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function ipb_ext(){try{ var Chat = IPBoard.prototype.chat; // util Chat.ext_post_message = function(content_or_nodes,content_is_html) { var post = document.createElement('li'); ['post','chat-myown'].forEach(function(cl){ post.classList.add(cl); }); if ( typeof content_or_nodes == 'string' ) { var content = content_or_nodes; var target = content_is_html ? 'innerHTML' : 'textContent'; post[target] = content; } else { var nodes = content_or_nodes; [].concat(nodes).forEach(function(elem){ post.appendChild(elem); }); } document.getElementById('storage_chatroom') .appendChild(post); post.scrollIntoView(false); }; Chat.ext_search_users = function(query) { var result = {}; var q_reg = new RegExp(query||'^'); for ( var id in Chat.forumIdMap._object ) { var name = Chat.nameFormatting._object[id][2]; if ( q_reg.test(name) ) result[name] = id; } return result; }; Chat.ext_user_action = function(action,target_id){ ipb.chat.sendMessageToChild( "server="+serverHost + "&path="+serverPath + "&room="+roomId + "&user="+userId + "&access_key=" + accessKey + "&action="+action + "&against="+target_id ); ipb.chat.lastAction = parseInt(new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10)); }; // config var null_f = function(){}; Chat.ext_empty_event = { stopPropagation: null_f, preventDefault: null_f }; Chat.ext_confirm_action = null; var make_action = function(action){ return function(query) { if ( !query.trim() ) return; var users = Chat.ext_search_users(query); Chat.ext_confirm_action = function() { for ( var k in users ) Chat.ext_user_action(action,users[k]); }; var str = ''; for ( var k in users ) { if ( str ) str += ', '; str += k; } Chat.ext_post_message("Send /confirm to "+action+": "+str+". Send /cancel to ignore"); }; }; Chat.ext_commands = { kick: make_action('kick'), ban: make_action('ban'), test: function() {Chat.test = !(Chat.test || false)}, debug: function() {Chat.debug = !(Chat.debug || false)}, users: function(query) { var users = {}; var keys = []; [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('#chatters-online li')) .forEach(function(li){ var a = li.querySelector('a.ipsUserPhotoLink'); var user_id = li.getAttribute('id').replace(/^user_/,''); var user_profile = a.getAttribute('href'); var user_name = Chat.nameFormatting._object[user_id][2]; var out_a = document.createElement('a'); out_a.setAttribute('href',user_profile); out_a.textContent = user_name; users[user_name] = out_a; keys.push(user_name); }); var nodes = []; keys.sort().forEach(function(key) { if ( nodes.length ) nodes.push(document.createTextNode(', ')); nodes.push(users[key]); }); Chat.ext_post_message(nodes); }, confirm: function() { if ( !Chat.ext_confirm_action ) return; Chat.ext_confirm_action(); Chat.ext_confirm_action = null; }, cancel: function() { Chat.ext_confirm_action = null; }, mute: function() { document.getElementById('sound_toggle').click(); }, quit: function(){ document.getElementById('leave_room').click(); }, }; Chat.ext_escape = { 'n': '\n', 't': '?', 'e': '?', '\\': '\\', }; Chat.ext_emotes = { fear: ':f34r:', lenny: '( ?? ?? ??)', wat: '?__?', shrug: '?\\_(?)_/?', whee: '?( ? )?', flip: '(????)??????', why: '?(????)', }; Chat.ext_bbc = { rick: function(param,content) { // never gonna give you up // never gonna let you down // never gonna run around // and desert you } }; // helpers Chat.arg_parse = /\s*(?:(\w+?)(?:="(.+?)"))?/g; Chat.bbc_filter = function ext_bbc_filter(_,tag,param,content) { var f = Chat.ext_bbc[tag]; if ( !f ) return _; return f(param,content); }; Chat.ext_filters = [ /* commands */ [ /^\/(\w+)\s*(.*)$/, function ext_command_filter(_,cmd,argstr) { var args = argstr.split(' '); var f = Chat.ext_commands[cmd]; if ( !f ) return _; f.apply(null,args); return ''; } ], /* emotes */ [ /:(\w+):/g, function ext_emote_filter(_,tag) { return Chat.ext_emotes[tag] || _; } ], /* backslash */ [ /\\(?:(x[0-9a-fA-f]{4})|([a-z\\]))/g, function ext_backslash_filter(_,hex,code) { if ( hex ) return '&#'+hex+';'; return Chat.ext_escape || _; } ], /* BBC w/ content */ [ /\[(\w+)(?:=(.+))?\](.*?)\[\/\1\]/g, Chat.bbc_filter ], /* self-closing BBC tags */ [ /\[(\w+)(?:=(.+))?\s*()\/\]/g, Chat.bbc_filter ], /* general */ [ /\t/g, '?' ] ]; Chat.ext_filter_message = function(str) { Chat.ext_filters.forEach(function(f){ if ( !str.length ) return; if ( Chat.debug ) console.log(f,str); str = String.prototype.replace.apply(str,f); }); return str; }; Chat.ext_send = function ext_send(e) { if ( e.preventDefault ) e.preventDefault(); if ( e.stopPropagation ) e.stopPropagation(); var message = (document.getElementById('message_textarea').value || '').trim(); if ( Chat.debug ) console.log('send',message); if ( !message ) return; var filtered = Chat.ext_filter_message(message) || null; document.getElementById('message_textarea').value = filtered; if ( filtered ) return Chat.ipb_sendChat.call(this,Chat.ext_empty_event); }; Chat.ipb_sendChat = Chat.sendChat; Chat.sendChat = Chat.ext_send; Chat.ext_rewired = true; console.log('okay');} catch ( ex ) { console.log("Error: " + ex); console.log((new Error).stack);}})();commands: kick, ban, quit, and users
escaping: e, n, t, e, and \
emots: lenny, wat, shrug, whee, flip, and why

As usual, add this as a greasemonkey script or dump it into your javascript console

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