WOA II - Day....who know's now.

posted in XXChester's Blog
Published August 16, 2015
The day's are blurring together....
I have been drowning in AI pathing problems that have crippled the game. Every night I feel like I have them solved and the game appears to work and then all of sudden everything that could go wrong with the pathing is. At the start of day 6, I thought we were going to be okay and get something playable - and then it all broke again.

It's not all bad news...
About 2 hours ago I think we FINALLY (I'm afraid to say it at this point) have it working properly. Since this time I have been slaying a massive amount of simple bugs which is making the whole game feel a lot better. We are still far behind schedule, and full of programmer art but we are actually making progress now.


First playable prototype is attached here, please report any bugs you find.

Some things to note;
-Controls are explained in the tutorial
-Skils are all over the place currently (mix of cool downs, damagae etc), no balancing has been taken
-At the end of the 2nd level, the game will crash as level 3 isn't there.
-The levels are test levels from the prototyping and are not meant to be filled or hard yet.
-The build is a debug build so you may see things that you will not in the end product

** EDIT** Removed the download as it doesn't work if you do not have XNA installed. I will be opting to use a ClickOnce installer for the actual release. Thanks for reporting the issue though
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And I jinxed it....

August 16, 2015 04:53 AM
i get the following crash:

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or ass
embly 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch, Version=, Culture=neutral, Pu
blicKeyToken=842cf8be1de50553' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot fin
d the file specified.
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost..ctor(Game game)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.EnsureHost()
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game..ctor()
   at GWNorthEngine.Engine.BaseRenderer..ctor()
   at WOA3.Engine.Renderer..ctor() in F:\Team Work\Week Of Awesome III\WOA3\WOA3
\Engine\Renderer.cs:line 35
   at WOA3.Engine.Program.Main(String[] args) in F:\Team Work\Week Of Awesome II
I\WOA3\WOA3\Engine\Program.cs:line 11
August 16, 2015 05:23 PM

That's not good, appears to be hard coded to my path. This is why I use installers, why aren't we allowed to!?

Thanks for the input though, I'll look into it.

August 16, 2015 08:11 PM
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