Business. What is long term growth and sustainability?

Published June 07, 2017

Everyone has different capabilities and skills. Some are analytical and some are practical. Like computer science or engineering, business is complex, diverse, and pretty powerful. Before the computer industry, and even after, business is where a lot of analysis and complexity handling occurs.

The mechanisms are similar and some are the same, though they could be perceived to be in a scenario of written in a different language with similar syntactical structure.

Object oriented code and software engineering practices allow for programs to be well structures, re-used, and shared by multiple members of a team, and allow team members of different skill levels and experience to interact within a process of design, development, and deployment. This is not an automatic process, and takes a great amount of effort from the leadership team to make a project is produced as per spec. Many programmers and software people know this, and if you didn't, now you do.

In business, there are similar concepts that make a business viable, and produce long term growth for a company. While they care somewhat, depending on the business person, an average business person doesn't care what programming language you used, the amount of hours you and your friends spent debugging, unless of course that won some kind of award or you broke a record, or things of that nature. They do care, however, that the game does what you say it does, and that it will run on modern systems, cost a specific amount of money, and you were able to save money producing it using techniques you have learned. This can actually will work in your favor in some cases, because if you find a business person who used to be a programmer, they could be biased on what programming and technology to use, though hopefully this is never the case.

Why?? In software engineering, once you go work for a company, teammates do have to work together, objects do have to be reused, and the pace increases because usually a software firm will be handling multiple projects at one time.

In business, business people often have multiple clients, that come and go, and sometimes hundreds of clients in their portfolio, so they are taught not to get too personal or learn too much about a business, unless of course, its worth their while. So they only concentrate on specific parts of the technology.

If you believe you have enough experience, you should invest your time in creating a platform, for yourself, or try to join or create a team that creates a platform for creating a specific type of game. This is tough work, and when doing so, it will force you to program more professionally. That is when you can create a business around a game or your company. This is called an investment. It's just like educating yourself on the latest technology, and requires goal setting and time allocation. If you are like me, 6 years ago and you know you don't have enough experience or skills, and be honest with yourself, to create a game professionally, but know that you should or really, really would like to, because you have the passion for it, go and earn the experience. This requires lots of patience, especially if you are used to being the smartest guy in the room. If you think you and your friends don't have certain skills, try to work in a team. People that study other subjects also have great ideas and can be useful as part of a team.

If you aren't honest with yourself, and I found out through research, that this is why businesses fail. I used to see it all the time growing up, on the news, in papers, etc... some company was great, and then it went under, so I investigated. To be successful long term requires lots of planning, hard work, great decision making, and due diligence. It also requires admitting when you can use some help. Sharing is not the same thing, and can only do so much for you, though it is like anything else, and should be used in moderation. Sharing for the sake of sharing, is also a lot like inflation, if you do it too much, and everyone is doing it, the value of it goes down. If your sharing is actually helping someone, then that's pretty good sharing.

The important thing I'm attempting to explain in this short blog, is that business is complex, and that there is a big difference between a game studio and making one game, and there are realizations to be made other than technology choices like programming language, database system, and system architecture. Its like building a car is different than a factory that makes cars. Huge difference. How efficient that factory or in our case, game studio is, will be in a different blog.

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Really interesting.

Thanks for share your toughs.

June 08, 2017 08:47 AM
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