Side Scrolling Shooter - Sound

Published April 04, 2019

Have spent today and most of yesterday trying to workaround what appears to be a bug in the Godot sound causing glitching. Finally have a working solution:

I'll fix up some decent different sounds, these are just for testing. And I figured out the audio buses, I now have 3 buses, one for short reverb one for long and one for music. I've adjusted the view angle a bit to make things appear more 3d and put in shadows, and replaced the player box with my frog from my frogger game, this is just temporary though, will probably be a spaceship. And I've put in some kind of scrolling background, just a plane will do rather than skybox as the challenge is for a 2d type view.

I discovered by accident that it was quite easy to make spinning static physics objects. These will make great obstacles, I'll have some spinning and maybe some like moving platforms blocking the way. :) 


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Will the frog be the captain of the ship?

April 04, 2019 05:41 PM
12 minutes ago, Rutin said:

Will the frog be the captain of the ship?

I'm not sure yet. He seems to be doubling as a lunar lander, kind of the same shape. :) 

I could do a tie in with my frogger game, but it seems a bit of a copout to avoid making more artwork lol! :D 

A shooter doesn't have to be spacey I guess but I fancy it for a bit of a change, and most of the models don't need animations then. Just still not sure about the not shooting bit.

I'm going to add a second terrain level on top next, so the ship will be flying through a tunnel, maybe even a third section in between so you could choose alternate paths. I suppose I could have entirely freeform, but then it becomes less of a side scroller.

Ah and I forgot I also have to make the enemies / obstacles work on a pooling system, so when one goes off the screen on one side another can appear on the other, so the engine isn't doing physics / displaying too many objects.

April 04, 2019 05:53 PM

Cannot wait to see! :) Keep up the great work.

April 04, 2019 05:54 PM
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