Base defense - Idle Space Ship Update

Published January 18, 2021

Long overdue announcement, the new update has been playable. The first three missions are available with nine more planned for the next big update. Lots of balancing was done to make things more impactful.

First things first, Idle Space Ship beta 09i is available on google play store for android devices. Try it and let me know what you love and hate and join me on this journey of android development.

Idle Space Ship beta 09i

With the update playable, and able to fully test I've decided to incorporate activated skills into defense missions. Each skill will have its own set duration and will be

upgraded just like the turret is upgraded. than a cooldown between activations. Three skills; Rapid Fire, EMP Blast, Assisted Targeting. Each with unique bonuses to help defeat the higher missions. These will come with prestige upgrades as well.

Lots of balancing. rewards were increased across the board. Particularly with missions. Boss health was fixed. A bug had it set way too high. In the end I chose to keep it high, and instead altered the boss speed to keep that boss feeling but not make it 25 times higher than it should be.

Prestige rewards were upped as well by changing the interval that the reward increases from every ten stages to every five stages.

A short update this time. I'll be going into more detail with the next update. I have a bit of design to talk about. Been knee deep in under the hood code, and refactoring. A few aspect of my design didn't quite pan out for the new update and wont work for the next big update. I already did alot of refactoring to fit in some of my ideas.

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