c1ic.mx arcade buttons

posted in c1ic.mx
Published May 02, 2024

I made a new video showing the process of making buttons.

Remember that in c1ic.mx site there is no buttons, but many people as I see (using a tracking mouse service) always try to click on the buttons, so, to make it easy for people to understand, every time I show the games I connect these buttons for they to try and get rid of the idea of using the mouse like in any other website.

And for the people who likes games or retro games the idea of using arcade buttons is fantastic, is like playing a very basic arcade. That is another of my dreams, to make an arcade cabinet with a single button for the people to play or maybe as a donation box, so the people play games and help me to keep helping disabled people to play games.

But for now I'm satisfied making this little buttons for the people to try the webpage, view movies, listen some music, read some books and of course, play some games.

This is the video, ENJOY!

Is you want to try…



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