Yay productivity

posted in DruinkJournal
Published March 13, 2005
Well I actually got some stuff done. My list of things done tonight includes:
  • Fixed the database class
  • OOPified the user profile class (a crapload of accessors / mutators so the profile is set as dirty correctly)
  • Users can register (not fully, you can only provide username and password just now) and login
  • The bot now works, and can connect / disconnect without causing chaos
  • Colour tags work, with TA2 (24-bit colour, bold, italic, underline and strikeout tags) and telnet protocol, and appropriate conversion between the two
  • Users can chat to one another in the one room that exists
    I've done a wee bit of testing, and it seems reasonably stable. So it's running just now. If you want to give it a shot, you can access it via Telnet or you can download DruinkIM (My MUD client) and connect with that. If you use DruinkIM you get to play with the funky 24-bit colours and other TA2 protocol fancy stuff.

    Since I haven't got round to doing a manual for either the MUD or DruinkIM yet, here's a list of the tags you can use in the MUD (in telnet too, but only some work):
    <-0> Reset
    <-1> Bold
    <-b> Bold
    <-i> Italic
    <-u> Underline
    <-s> Strikeout
    <-31> Red text
    <-32> Green text
    <-33> Yellow text
    <-34> Blue text
    <-35> Magenta text
    <-36> Cyan text
    <-37> White text
    <-cRRGGBB> 24-bit colour in HTML RRGGBB format - e.g. <-cff9900> is orange
    You can combine tags, for example, bold, strikeout, orange text:
    <-b><-s><-cff9900>Hello World!

    Well, that'll do for now. It's 2:15am and I'm tired.

    Oh yeah, if you do try and connect to the MUD, ignore Kim - that's the bot and she won't reply...
  • Previous Entry Database Fun
    Next Entry Yay, productivity
    0 likes 5 comments


    Looking good. Keep up the great work. Glad I could help you find the bug with the gradient coloring. Just more work for you I guess.
    March 13, 2005 08:27 PM
    Me and Mushu chatted it out in there.... good work.
    March 13, 2005 08:48 PM
    Rob Loach
    Very nicely done. Why have it <-x> and not just like normal HTML tags?
    March 14, 2005 11:05 AM
    Great work!
    March 14, 2005 11:41 AM
    Evil Steve
    Thanks for the replies [smile]
    Quote:Very nicely done. Why have it <-x> and not just like normal HTML tags?
    Because that's how it's done in a place that doesn't exist [wink]. The reason is that it was originally only for telnet codes, <-0>, <-1>, <-31>..<-37> and those codes can be converted to the real telnet escape codes easily, since they're "\x1B[0m", "\x1B[1m", "\x1B[31m".."\x1B[37m".
    But you're right - I think I'll allow both.
    March 14, 2005 09:19 PM
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