GTA... School... Space

Published July 28, 2005
Hell yeah! Finished up my Accounting & Macroeconomics classes that I was taking this summer, and I really feel like I passed them both with a good grade! We will find out Monday!

Oh.. A side note.. Right before I left for class, I leaned over to check the time, and broke my damn chair! Yeah, that is right, I broke it! :( It was ~140$ chair too! I can sit in it alright, I just can rock back in it and it leans to the left. Gah!

I do, however, move back up to Manhattan Kansas this weekend to prepare the new appartment for the Fall/Spring semester at Kansas State University, so, I will have another chair to abuse up there.

This is my second semester with the Computer Science program at K-State (I have a few credit hours from when I was in the Corps(29 total)) and I just started to work on a Minor for Business Administration. I really think I am going to turn that Minor into a Major so I can get some more valueable knowledge about business, even if I have to complete a little bit after I graduate with the CS degree. I -WILL- own my own studio some day.

This entire situtation with Rockstar is getting extremely out of hand in my personal view. Today, I flipped onto my local news station to come across a report that an 85 year old lady from New York is sueing Rockstar for the hidden ponographic material developed within the game. She said that if she had any idea that it was a part of the video game, she wouldnt have bought it for her 14 year old...

14 Years Old and your worrying about SEX? OMFG! Your -NOT- concerned at all that you just purchased a video game that deals with drugs, violence, stealing, etc...? You just purchased a game called 'Grand Theft Auto' and you didn't read the box? Obviously, You didn't care at the time, but now, all of a sudden that its made public, you care?

Maybe we wouldn't have these outrages if parents pay attention to what they buy their kids, or what their kids are playing. Im no parent, but seriously... If I did not want my kid messing with a video game of that nature, they wouldn't, PERIOD!

On top of ALL of this pandemonium, Hillary Clinton is making her debut appearance trying to attack Rockstar; to probe for more information on their modification. It really sounds like she is attempting to get on the good side of the elder people so she can bang out a good outcome for 2008 (which is when I believe she will attempt to run for president). She lost any hopes to attain my vote.


Space Shuttle::Discovery
Simply Amazing! I love it when humans attempt to defy the limits of mankind, but seriously; what is wrong NASA? I am not -that- old (22), but has NASA always had problems like they do these days?

If you haven't heard yet. Discovery lost quite a fiew pieces off of the external fuel tank and the underbelly of the shuttle. Which doomed the columbia, and which could have potentionally doomed Discovery (and really, still could) if it had broken off during the ride through the atmosphere.

"In addition to the big chunk of foam, several smaller pieces broke off, including at least one from an area of the fuel tank that had been modified after Columbia. Thermal tile was also damaged on Discovery's belly; one tile lost a 1 1/2 -inch piece right next to the set of doors for the nose landing gear, a particularly vulnerable spot." (LINK)

For now, they say that it doesnt look like it caused any serious damage, however... Time will tell. Friday they may do a 3-D tile inspection using their new handy dandy boom built by the Canadians!

Worst case scenerio. Discovery is doomed. Astronauts camp out on the International Space Station while they wait for rescue from the shuttle Atlantis, which has been put on indefinite hold.. No lift off in September for Atlantis....

Shout Out to the Development Scene
? Ethereal Darkness Interactive
I have been personally tracking this game for quite awhile now, and I must say it is time to speak up about it! Right now they are in their BETA phase and everything looks to be going very smooth (as smooth as it can get... lol). If you are into RPG's this will definetly be one to add to the books for the Indie support. I can't wait to snag my copy of it to support these guys. Way to go EDI!

Code, Code, Code [v.0003]
I did not have a chance to cover anything today due to Finals, however, I have a question for you, the anonymous reader (atleast until you post... if you post... erm..)

Anyways! (This will likely be a forum post too.. Not everybody loves my journal yet... ;| ... But, Thank you for visiting! lol )

From your experiences as a programmer, what kind of topics are in books these days that are not really a -need- of focus?

Example: C-style Character Strings
It even writes in the book, "Although C++ supports C-style strings, they should not be used by C++ programs. C-style strings are surprisingly rich source of bugs and are the root cause of many, many security problems."

This alone makes me want to skip this part.

I understand authors put things like this into the book to AT LEAST familiarize the reader that the topics exsist. I am just trying to find out from a first hand view, what topics do you believe a new guy to the language should FOCUS on and what topics a new guy should not worry about reading.

return 0;
I'm off to dive back into this book (C++ Primer 4th Ed). I didn't have any time to actually code today because I was studying for Finals. I have less than a month to cram all kinds of new things into my head before next semester starts!

Take Care Everybody and POST a reply, even if its a 'Howdy!' or a >wave
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Quote:Hell yeah! Finished up my Accounting & Macroeconomics classes that I was taking this summer, and I really feel like I passed them both with a good grade! We will find out Monday!
Congrats! Those sound like boring classes to me though. [smile]
Quote:Simply Amazing! I love it when humans attempt to defy the limits of mankind, but seriously; what is wrong NASA? I am not -that- old (22), but has NASA always had problems like they do these days?
I'm sure it has to do with closer scrutiny by the media. When we were trying to beat the Russians to the moon it didn't seem to matter as much if a few astronauts died for their country. Personally I think the people at NASA are doing a hell of a job. PEOPLE IN SPACE!!!!! [looksaround]
July 28, 2005 04:21 AM
Quote:Congrats! Those sound like boring classes to me though.

They did not deal with any computer related stuff, it was -WAY- boring!

Quote:I'm sure it has to do with closer scrutiny by the media. When we were trying to beat the Russians to the moon it didn't seem to matter as much if a few astronauts died for their country. Personally I think the people at NASA are doing a hell of a job. PEOPLE IN SPACE!!!!!

Oh don't get me wrong, they are doing some pretty amazing things (dealing with what has to be the most complex stuff in the world), but its just freaky that the last few times they sent a shuttle into space, it didn't turn out so well.
July 28, 2005 12:35 PM
Sir Sapo
Congrats! Those sound like boring classes to me though.

Quote:Simply Amazing! I love it when humans attempt to defy the limits of mankind, but seriously; what is wrong NASA? I am not -that- old (22), but has NASA always had problems like they do these days?

While I'm sure that NASA is doing the best that it can, you'd think that after 2 years of redesign, they would have fixed the problem before launching it again. Also, why did the use Discovery, one of the oldest shuttles, instead of Endeavor, the newest?
July 28, 2005 02:18 PM
Quote:Also, why did the use Discovery, one of the oldest shuttles, instead of Endeavor, the newest?

Well. That is truely interesting, but... The foam pieces that did break off of the fuel tank were both new/redesigned and older material. Not quite sure what would have been better after reading about that.
July 28, 2005 08:38 PM
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