Project 0 - intEGA

posted in 1000 Monkeys
Published October 02, 2005
I'm currently following an introductory Computer Graphics course at the department of Computer Science in Amsterdam. The first week was of course on elementary rasterization algorithms, such as the midpoint line algorithm. This led me to the idea of creating a little program which shows the effect of rasterization as far as their discrete nature goes. The idea is to create a little paint-like GUI that demonstrates the various 2D rasterization algorithms for drawing (including filling, clipping anti aliasing) some primitives like lines, circles, rectangles and arbitrary polygons.

It's been two weeks since I worked on it (which show my slackful nature) and hope this journal will give me that little push I need to continue and of course finish this project. It'll be tough since I have been slacking off at school lately and I need to catch up on that as well.

What have I done so far? I have implemented the basic GUI in Java using intellij (the best java IDE I have come across), also the interfaces are coded which are necessary for dealing with the user input when a new primitive needs to be drawn. Expect some screenshots and more in-depth information on the project soon.


So this is the first screenshot, hopefully nobody minds the size/file format, etc. This shows the basic GUI and the IDE in the background. Notice the different project name, iterga, which stands for interactive tool for the education of raster-graphics algorithms. Then I somehow started to call it itegra, which as a friend of mine pointed out, is incorrect. Now I dropped the name for intEGA: interactive tool for the education of graphics algorithms. This just shows how difficult it is (for me anyways) to pick a good name and be satisfied with it :o

development continues..
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Another Java-Monkey!

Welcome to journal-land!
October 02, 2005 12:30 PM
Thanks! Java is still not a perfect language (like Haskell ;) ), but developing with IntelliJ is just wonderful, compared with visual studio using C++. Admittingly though, it's been a while since I've done any serious C coding using Visual Studio or any other IDE..
October 02, 2005 02:05 PM
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