
Published January 10, 2006
Alright here's the LittleBoy source code for kwijibo.

LittleBoy (1MB)

It isn't commented as I usually don't give out source, but the varibles and functions don't have any weird naming so you should be able to understand it.

Also the "load" menu doesn't work. If you want to load memory dumps from VBA you'll have to go through the memory viewer.

Oh yeah and it doesn't really "run", just displays. To "run" things you have to step through each opcode by using "next" in the disassembler.
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Cheers man, this is pretty cool.

It's always interesting to see how people structure projects differently. I never thought of having an opcode table for decoding, I just have a big switch statement. I don't think there's much of a difference in execution speed, but your way just looks much cleaner :) Thanks alot.
January 10, 2006 07:22 PM
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