When you're not computing.....

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27 comments, last by mossmoss 24 years, 1 month ago
I wish I had a computer related, full-time job! I guess I''m a little too young for that at 15, eh? (yes, I am Canadian)

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
When I am not on MY computer I''m on MY SCHOOL''s computer. Which happens to be a MAC!!! ...firahs...
what is the out side i never heard of it..what is it like
I wish there was a button on my monitor to turn up the intellegince. Theres a button called 'brightness' but it doesn't work
usualy i play my playstation or my saturn ,listen music while i´m having ideas for games , walk to one side to another while i think in games but in the most of time i keep hiting my head on the wall...

-only 97,76% of the statistics are calculated, the rest are false

Usually it envolves going to the fridge for some more Mountain Dew.

Ehm...not much really.....

Well, I just bought a hardball gun (airsoftgun)..I can´t wait to play hardball with my friends. Boy are they gonna get it...

-- There IS something rotten in the state of Denmark --
-------------Ban KalvinB !
i play warhammer (little model fantasy soldier wargaming) and read - mostly fantasy/sci-fi. I also enjoy sailing- I have a small dinghy which will be upgraded to an ocean going yacht when I am a millionaire programmer

- Daniel

my homepage
- DanielMy homepage

mmmmmm, Lets see, I like bodyboarding,art stuff,water skiing, snow skiing, Playing guitar,playing drums, and um composing full featured scores..

But I love progamming most of all.

" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
I love electronic music!
"If you live in Baden-Württemberg, FIGHT FOR SUNSHINE LIVE - they lost their Frequencies for Stuttgart, Ulm and Karlsruhe - that's a disaster!!!!!"

I read some books and watch movies. STAR TREK rules!!

It is a pitty, that my homework has to be done, too

Edited by - Melo on 4/9/00 9:27:18 AM

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