King of a stupid question

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6 comments, last by TylerL 21 years, 6 months ago
Hey I have a stupid question, I bought the book Windows Game Programming for Dummies a long time ago and now I am picking it up again and reading it through for the first time. Now I have a question, is all that code and everything up to date and used in programming nowadays or is there another book I should read? It said that it covers C and some parts of C++, so should I finish reading it or is it pointless to keep going? Tyler L Kaotic Entertainment "Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"
Tyler LKaotic Entertainment "Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"
that''s actually a very good question. Most people don''t even consider what they are reading. Ok for languages C++ was standardized late ''97, so I would stick to books from ''99 or later. Older C++ books will include errors (that will probably compile but you still want to avoid) C was first standardized in ''87 and updated in ''99. So older C books will still be good but won''t give you the full story.

However either way you shouldn''t be learning how to program from a game programming book. You really ought to get a solid foundation. Then making simple games will come easily. I recommend "Accelerated C++".
Alright where can I Find that? Or would it be in a book store?

Tyler L
Kaotic Entertainment
"Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"
Tyler LKaotic Entertainment "Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"
May I also recommend C++ Primer Plus (Stephen Prata) if you''re just starting out with C++ ...

*Scribble with excessive amounts of loops and curls*
[ Google || Start Here || ACCU || STL || Boost || MSDN || GotW || CUJ || MSVC++ Library Fixes || BarrysWorld || []E-Mail Me[/email] ]
Yes, go to and read up on it. Then buy it at either or or some other place, whichever is cheapest, remembering to factor in shipping.
Will do, thanks for the advice.

I have another question or two, Is C++ the standard code that most programmers use to program games or has it changed to OpenGL or some other type of coding?

I learned a small ammount of Visual Basic when I was 9, would that help me at all or was that a waste of time?

I had another question but I lost it, I''ll ask it later.

Tyler L
Kaotic Entertainment
"Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"
Tyler LKaotic Entertainment "Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"
Something else to consider. Regardless of language, the algorithms presented in your Dummies book are fine. Algorithms don't change, only the implementation details. For instance, the AI, and collision stuff is fine, just update the code to language standards.

Hope that makes sense,

God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him...

PS. C++ is a language. OpenGL is not. The most widely used code base is a C/C++ hybrid that uses various API's like OpenGL or DirectX to do low level work. Also, VB is fine for most lower end stuff and perfect for non time intensive stuff. However, if you want to put the pedal to the metal, you need to use C/C++ or something similar.

[edited by - landsknecht on October 21, 2002 7:20:30 PM]
My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.
Thanks Landsknecht. I''ll get to learning C/C++ as soon as I can, anyone know of any good websites that can help out besides books? I ordered a few books but it''ll be a while before they get here and I wanted to get started early.

Tyler L
Kaotic Entertainment
"Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"
Tyler LKaotic Entertainment "Live Hard, Learn Hard, Game Hard"

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