Expression-Bodied Members to Reduce Your Code Verbosity

Published August 03, 2020 by Ruben Torres Bonet (The Gamedev Guru)
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[Visit the original blog post at Unity C#: Expression-Bodied Members to Reduce Your Code Verbosity]

Continuing with our Modern C# for Unity Game Development series, today I'm going to show you how to reduce the verbosity of your code with C# Expression-Bodied Members.

Note: this might upset some verbosity lovers out there ðŸ˜Â

Table of Contents

1 What's Wrong With This Damn Code?

2 Level Up With Unity C# Expression-Bodied Members

3 What's Next?

What's Wrong With This Damn Code?

Imagine you want to keep your player data synchronized with a server.

(Such a rare scenario, right?)

So you create your user manager class that does a GET request to update some fields.

Basically, you ask your backend for information on the a player ID. With that new information, you update your UI, gameplay elements and so on.

Here's a simplified code snippet that does this update:

public class UserDataProvider
  private string UrlUserInfo
    get { return $"https://mygame.api/user/{_userData.userId}"; }
  UserDataProvider(string userId)
    _userData = new UserData(userId); 
  void Start()
  IEnumerator RefreshUserInfo()
    var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(UrlUserInfo);
    yield return request.SendWebRequest(); = ParseJson(request.downloadHandler.text, "name");
    // ...

So, what's the problem with that?

You see, verbosity is my problem.

Sure, it looks quite normal if you're used to it... (I got pretty used to this code-writing style myself).

However, there's BIG room for improvement...

And today, we will be concerned with two questions:

  1. Do we really need so many curly braces?
  2. Do we really need these keywords, such as get and return?

A very standard-driven, verbosity-lover programmer will tell you that you need all of it.

But me, as a programmer who reads thousands of line of code per day, I'll buy into anything that:

  • Reduces the amount of time I spend reading code,
  • simplifies the code that I read...
  • so that I can use my time more efficiently.

And today I'm showing you the tool that will let you achieve all of this.

Level Up With Unity C# Expression-Bodied Members

Expression-bodied members is just one of these fancy terms that are easier to understand by reading code than by trying to decipher its name.

Put simply: this C# feature lets you remove verbosity when dealing with single expressions.

That means:

  • If your getter is a single expression, you can simplify it.
  • If your constructor is a single expression, you can simplify it.
  • If your function is a single expression, you can simplify it.
  • And a few more cases alike.

We gain this simplicity by skipping certain language elements (such as curly braces) and introducing the => operator.

No worries, reading actual code will make it much easier to understand.

Remember that getter and the functions?

Well, have a second look now:

private string UrlUserInfo => $"http://mygame.api/user/{_userData.userId}";
UserDataProvider(string userId) => _userData = new UserData(userId);
void Start() => StartCoroutine(RefreshUserInfo());

By using expression-bodied members I simplified my code so that...

  • The getter is now a single line instead of 4 or even 7.
  • The constructor is now 1 line instead of 4
  • The Start function is now a single line instead of 4.

We got rid of curly braces... and the return + get keywords.

And I could go on with more examples, but you get the idea.

You can apply this technique as well to finalizers (destructors) and setters.

Here's one last example before I go:

private UserData _userData;
public UserData MyUserData
  get => _userData;
  set => _userData = value ?? _userData;


What's Next?

If you missed any of my other posts on Modern C# for Unity game development, you can quickly catch up here.

And if you're wondering what else you can learn today to substantially improve your game, have a look at my tutorial on improving your game memory and loading times.

Alright, talk to you soon!


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Continuing with our Modern C# for Unity Game Development series, today I'm going to show you how to reduce the verbosity of your code with C# Expression-Bodied Members.
