PHP Crypt Function

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1 comment, last by Xtremehobo 21 years, 1 month ago
Im tryin to use php''s Crypt() function to encode a password, buttt each time I encode it, the output of crypt changes.. is it suppose to do this (does crypt somehow use timestamps to encrypt input)? Thanks | [email="matt[nospam]@pixelwrench[nospam]com"]email[/email] lethalhamster: gamedev keeps taking my money, but im too lazy to not let them
RTFM. In particular, look at the "salt" argument to crypt().

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
heh, I wasn''t using the salt argument.. I guess it randomly generates one if its not specified Thanks | [email="matt[nospam]@pixelwrench[nospam]com"]email[/email] lethalhamster: gamedev keeps taking my money, but im too lazy to not let them

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