Random Numbers--Is this right?

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7 comments, last by Teric 21 years ago
I''ve put together a class to generate random numbers, and it seems to work ok. But I have observed a trend where my numbers tend to clump toward the middle of a distribution, instead of being evenly distributed. Code is attached below. Is it just happenstance that I see this trend, or is there really something non-random about my code? Thanks in advance!

//Generate a positive random int between 0 and Max (inclusive)


int CRandom::Random(int Max)
	if (mRandCount>MAX_RANDS) SeedRand();
	if(Max < 0) return 0;
	return (Max + 1) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1);


//Generate a random int between Min and Max (inclusive)

//If Min is not less than Max, this function will return 0


int CRandom::Range(int Min, int Max)
	if (mRandCount>MAX_RANDS) SeedRand();
	if (Max < Min) return 0;
	return ((Max - Min + 1) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1)) + Min;
}//Range(int, int)

I am always open to feedback, positive or negative...
Why do you reseed the generator? Most people just do it once at initialization and forget about it.
No, this is normal. In fact, it''s called a normal distribution - it''s a classic bell curve that emerges out of randomness everywhere in nature. Pick up a book on probability and get ready for some math if you really want to understand what''s happening.
---------------------------------------------------There are 10 kinds of people in the world:Those that understand binary, and those that dont...Mage
So you're saying it's inevitable that I get a bell curve distribution? I don't want a bell curve distribution in my random numbers. Is there a way to avoid it?

EDIT: Mike, I re-seed the generator every 10000 random numbers, because the generator is based on the system time (which is not truly random). As more and more random numbers are generated, the sequence becomes more and more predictable; thus, to keep it as random as possible, I re-seed it periodically.

[edited by - Teric on May 6, 2003 2:31:53 PM]
I am always open to feedback, positive or negative...
I am not sure about this so i looked on mathworld...


It does talk about some different distributions.

[edited by - gibber on May 6, 2003 4:14:16 PM]
A bell curve is not normal for a random number generator. I would try it without periodic reseeding and see if that makes a difference. If that doesn''t help, then it is probably coming from the rand() function and you may want to look at other random number generators.
Equidistribution is what you''re looking for - and for that I sugest using the Mersenne Twister. I''ve written an article over at CodeProject, you can find it here. I compare the speed of MT vs rand() with respect to speed and equidistribution...

Hope that helps, Game On!

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
Wrudyn is right, every number has the same probability to be ''picked'' by the rand() function. The number is not a true random number as it is a mathematical construction. I would try to use the rand() function without reseeding it.


  unsigned rand_u32(cosnt unsigned& max) {	if(max <= 0 || max > RAND_MAX) 		return 0;	const unsigned bucketsize = RAND_MAX / max;	unsigned a;		do {		a = rand() / bucketsize;	} while(a >= max );	return a;}   

....gives a ittle bit better distribution.

EDIT: source tags

[edited by - null_vector on May 7, 2003 2:07:49 PM]
find / -name "your base" -exec chown -R us:us {} ;

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