Please help me: MSVC++ (+) Directx=:(

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0 comments, last by Stan100 20 years, 10 months ago
I keep getting this error: c:\DXSDK\LIB\ddraw.lib : fatal error LNK1106: invalid file or disk full: cannot seek to 0x3b16078a when i try to link ddraw.lib. Im trying to make a simple app. plz help
-----If you thought I was helpful, rate me down.If you thought I wasn't helpful, rate me down as well.This idiot didn't read my signature and tried to insult me.
how much space is left on your harddrive? | [email="matt[nospam]@pixelwrench[nospam]com"]email[/email] lethalhamster: gamedev keeps taking my money, but im too lazy to not let them

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