UTF8 to value

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2 comments, last by Pipo DeClown 20 years, 5 months ago
How do I get the value out of a UTF8 character? With value, I mean the value of for example ''1'' is 49 in the ASCII charset(?). Can someone tell me how UTF8 characters are build in binary, and how to get the value out of the bits? -- You''re Welcome, Rick Wong - sitting in his chair doing the most time-consuming thing..
The only time I had to "hand manage" UTF-8 characters (I normally rely on iconv/glib to do the work for me) I searched Google for "UTF-8" and turned up this page (still the first result). I was able to figure out all I needed from the table just below where that link points.

To determine how code points map to graphemes, you can look up the values on the Unicode code charts.
Thanks Null and Void.

You''re Welcome,
Rick Wong
- sitting in his chair doing the most time-consuming thing..

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